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Üleminek ringmajandusele on komitee tegevuskavas tähtsal kohal kui lahendus kliimakriisi vastu võitlemiseks ja meie planeedi kaitsmiseks. See on kodanikuühiskonna jaoks suurepärane võimalus, sest see võib aidata

  • suurendada Euroopa tööstuse konkurentsivõimet;
  • edendada kestlikku majanduskasvu;
  • luua uusi töökohti.

Tootmis- ja tarbimismudel „võta-ja-tekita-jäätmeid“, mis praegu endiselt majanduses domineerib, mitte üksnes ei põhjusta ressursside raiskamist, vaid kahjustab ka võitlust kliimamuutuste vastu. Erinevalt lineaarsest majandusest on ringmajandus olemuselt taastuv ja taastav, see keskendub majandusliku väärtuse loomisele ja säilitamisele, lahendades ülemaailmseid keskkonnaprobleeme, nagu kliimamuutused, elurikkuse kadumine ja reostus, tuues samal ajal majanduslikku kasu.

Hea uudis on see, et ringmajandusele üleminek on kohapeal juba toimumas. Kodanikuühiskonna sidusrühmad, sealhulgas ettevõtjad, ametiühingud, akadeemilised ringkonnad ja teadmuskogukonnad, noorteorganisatsioonid ning valitsusvälised organisatsioonid ja muud huvirühmad loovad ja rakendavad kohalikul ja piirkondlikul tasandil mitmeid ringmajanduse algatusi. Euroopa parim võimalus kiirendada üleminekut ringmajandusele on edendada ringmajanduse lahendusi ja asjaomaste sidusrühmade juhirolli.

Seda silmas pidades loodi 2017. aastal komitee ja Euroopa Komisjoni ühisalgatusena Euroopa ringmajanduse sidusrühmade platvorm, et koondada Euroopa ringmajanduse kogukonda. Sidusrühmade veetav platvorm toetab Euroopa üleminekut ringmajandusele, soodustades dialoogi, teadmiste jagamist ja parimate tavade vahetamist.

  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 11/12/2014
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    The Committee welcomes the two communications and the package of amendments to the waste directives and supports the campaign to make all businesses and consumers aware of the need to phase out the current linear economic model of "take, make, consume and dispose" .

    EESC opinion: Circular economy
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 17/10/2013
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Employers - GR I

    Planned obsolescence is associated with a form of industrial production that relies on a minimum renewal rate for its products. Although product renewal is necessary, certain abuses need to be addressed. The EESC would like to see a total ban on products with built-in defects designed to end the product's life.

    Towards more sustainable consumption: industrial product lifetimes and restoring trust through consumer information
    Infopack CCMI/112
  • An interview with Maria Nikolopoulou, member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) from the Workers' Group, representing the Spanish trade union Comisiones Obreras. She is currently one of the Vice Presidents of the NAT Bureau and member of the Steering Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform.

  • In an annual conference held entirely online on 3-4 November, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) voiced its determination to help make the Circular Economy Platform a real hub of the collective effort to build a circular economy in Europe.

  • The COVID-19 crisis has created the conditions for circular products and services to become the norm in Europe, says the EESC. In a recent opinion on the new EU Circular Economy Action Plan, the EESC urges lawmakers to ensure the circular economy finds a place and resources in the overall "greenprint" for Europe's recovery.

  • The Finnish presidency of the Council of the EU will place the fight against climate change high on its agenda. One of the challenges will be to unite the 28 Member States around this fight and focus on the opportunities that a more sustainable Europe can provide for economic, social and environmental progress. 

  • More than 350 circular economy stakeholders from across Europe shared their success stories and the challenges they face during the second day of the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee on 7 March 2019.

  • The advantages of sorting and recycling plastics must become tangible for European citizens, says the EESC 



  • Opening the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference at the European Commission on February 20, the President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Georges Dassis, said: "the transition to a circular economy is a great opportunity for civil society. It is already happening on the ground. We can feel it from the commitment and involvement of our businesses, the many initiatives taking place at local and regional level, ...

  • In March this year, the European Commission (EC) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) launched a joint European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. The 24 members forming the coordination group of the platform have now been selected and are preparing for their first meeting on 22 November.