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Üleminek ringmajandusele on komitee tegevuskavas tähtsal kohal kui lahendus kliimakriisi vastu võitlemiseks ja meie planeedi kaitsmiseks. See on kodanikuühiskonna jaoks suurepärane võimalus, sest see võib aidata

  • suurendada Euroopa tööstuse konkurentsivõimet;
  • edendada kestlikku majanduskasvu;
  • luua uusi töökohti.

Tootmis- ja tarbimismudel „võta-ja-tekita-jäätmeid“, mis praegu endiselt majanduses domineerib, mitte üksnes ei põhjusta ressursside raiskamist, vaid kahjustab ka võitlust kliimamuutuste vastu. Erinevalt lineaarsest majandusest on ringmajandus olemuselt taastuv ja taastav, see keskendub majandusliku väärtuse loomisele ja säilitamisele, lahendades ülemaailmseid keskkonnaprobleeme, nagu kliimamuutused, elurikkuse kadumine ja reostus, tuues samal ajal majanduslikku kasu.

Hea uudis on see, et ringmajandusele üleminek on kohapeal juba toimumas. Kodanikuühiskonna sidusrühmad, sealhulgas ettevõtjad, ametiühingud, akadeemilised ringkonnad ja teadmuskogukonnad, noorteorganisatsioonid ning valitsusvälised organisatsioonid ja muud huvirühmad loovad ja rakendavad kohalikul ja piirkondlikul tasandil mitmeid ringmajanduse algatusi. Euroopa parim võimalus kiirendada üleminekut ringmajandusele on edendada ringmajanduse lahendusi ja asjaomaste sidusrühmade juhirolli.

Seda silmas pidades loodi 2017. aastal komitee ja Euroopa Komisjoni ühisalgatusena Euroopa ringmajanduse sidusrühmade platvorm, et koondada Euroopa ringmajanduse kogukonda. Sidusrühmade veetav platvorm toetab Euroopa üleminekut ringmajandusele, soodustades dialoogi, teadmiste jagamist ja parimate tavade vahetamist.

  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 11/07/2018 - Bureau decision date: 19/09/2017
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The circular economy monitoring framework draws upon and complements the existing Resource Efficiency Scoreboard and Raw Materials Scoreboard, which were developed in recent years by the Commission.

    EESC opinion: Monitoring framework for the circular economy (communication)
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 23/05/2018 - Bureau decision date: 19/09/2017

    This EESC opinion covers both the Communication on A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy (COM(2018) 28 final) and the proposal for a Directive on Port Reception Facilities (COM(2018) 33 final), as this initiative also contributes to the objective of reducing the leakage of plastics into the environment

    EESC opinion: Strategy on plastics in a circular economy (communication)
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 18/10/2017 - Bureau decision date: 23/02/2017

    This Committee opinion, prepared in response to the commission's request, has taken stock of the views of European stakeholders on how EU policies and regulatory action can use sustainable economic models to transition successfully towards economic modernisation by reconciling economic prosperity and efficiency, social inclusion and environmental responsibility.

    EESC opinion: New sustainable economic models (exploratory opinion requested by the Commission)
    Expert hearing SC/048
    Expert hearing SC/048
    Expert hearing SC/048
    Expert hearing SC/048
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 05/07/2017 - Bureau decision date: 24/01/2017
    (United Kingdom

    RoHS 2 addresses the waste hierarchy’s highest priority, waste prevention. Waste prevention includes measures that reduce the content of harmful substances in materials and products. Decreasing the amount of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic waste benefits the management of such waste as a result.

    EESC opinion: Restrictions on hazardous substances
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 05/07/2017 - Bureau decision date: 24/01/2017
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The objective of the Communication on the role of waste-to-energy in the circular economy is to ensure that the recovery of energy from waste in the EU is consistent with the objectives pursued in the Circular Economy Action Plan.

    EESC opinion: Waste-to-energy under the Circular Economy
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 05/07/2017 - Bureau decision date: 13/12/2016
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    EESC opinion: Eco-design work programme 2016-2019
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 14/12/2016 - Bureau decision date: 21/01/2016
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    In this opinion, the EESC calls for society to begin an economic transition from over-exploitation of resources and a throw-away culture to a more sustainable, job-rich era, based on quality rather than quantity. In order to cope with the fundamental shift to a new economic model with major systemic consequences in many areas, it is recommended that a new cross-cutting and permanent body be set up in the EESC to analyse these developments.

    EESC opinion: The functional economy (own-initiative opinion)
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 13/07/2016 - Bureau decision date: 26/04/2016
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    EESC opinion: The making available on the market of CE-marked fertilising products
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 27/04/2016 - Bureau decision date: 07/10/2015
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The EESC fully backs the objective of switching to a greener, resource-efficient and circular economy. It is happy to see that the Commission has come forward with a broader set of proposals covering all the stages of the product lifecycle compared to the previous circular economy package; however, it raises concern over the lower level of ambition, which is likely to lead to lower economic and environmental benefits.

    EESC opinion: Circular Economy Package
  • Vastuvõetud arvamused on 11/12/2014
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) believes that the prospect of a European circular economy should bring a major boost to the systemic competitiveness of the EU, a driver for growth and a generator of new green jobs and skills.

    EESC opinion: The circular economy: job creation and the Green Action Plan for SMEs