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Üleminek ringmajandusele on komitee tegevuskavas tähtsal kohal kui lahendus kliimakriisi vastu võitlemiseks ja meie planeedi kaitsmiseks. See on kodanikuühiskonna jaoks suurepärane võimalus, sest see võib aidata

  • suurendada Euroopa tööstuse konkurentsivõimet;
  • edendada kestlikku majanduskasvu;
  • luua uusi töökohti.

Tootmis- ja tarbimismudel „võta-ja-tekita-jäätmeid“, mis praegu endiselt majanduses domineerib, mitte üksnes ei põhjusta ressursside raiskamist, vaid kahjustab ka võitlust kliimamuutuste vastu. Erinevalt lineaarsest majandusest on ringmajandus olemuselt taastuv ja taastav, see keskendub majandusliku väärtuse loomisele ja säilitamisele, lahendades ülemaailmseid keskkonnaprobleeme, nagu kliimamuutused, elurikkuse kadumine ja reostus, tuues samal ajal majanduslikku kasu.

Hea uudis on see, et ringmajandusele üleminek on kohapeal juba toimumas. Kodanikuühiskonna sidusrühmad, sealhulgas ettevõtjad, ametiühingud, akadeemilised ringkonnad ja teadmuskogukonnad, noorteorganisatsioonid ning valitsusvälised organisatsioonid ja muud huvirühmad loovad ja rakendavad kohalikul ja piirkondlikul tasandil mitmeid ringmajanduse algatusi. Euroopa parim võimalus kiirendada üleminekut ringmajandusele on edendada ringmajanduse lahendusi ja asjaomaste sidusrühmade juhirolli.

Seda silmas pidades loodi 2017. aastal komitee ja Euroopa Komisjoni ühisalgatusena Euroopa ringmajanduse sidusrühmade platvorm, et koondada Euroopa ringmajanduse kogukonda. Sidusrühmade veetav platvorm toetab Euroopa üleminekut ringmajandusele, soodustades dialoogi, teadmiste jagamist ja parimate tavade vahetamist.

  • Published in
    20 pages

    Call for an EU Blue Deal - Event highlights - 26 October 2023

  • Published in
    61 pages

    The study reviews recent analyses to understand the green or circular skills of the future which have been identified thus far in sectoral and EU-wide research. Moreover, it examines EU Initiatives on skills development for circularity, by highlighting some limitations of these instruments and making suggestions for improvement.

  • Published in
    24 pages

    Conclusions of the 23rd edition of European Consumer Day 2022 - 17 November 2022

  • Published in
    12 pages

    The Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (known by its French acronym of CCMI, Commission consultative des mutations industrielles) became part of the European Economic and Social Committee in 2002; therefore 2022 marks its 20th anniversary. The CCMI is the oldest EU body devoted to forecasting the future and accompanying the transition of industrial sectors.

  • Published in
    14 pages

    Between June 2021 and March 2022, the EESC held a series of events on the updated new industrial strategy. Each event was organised by a different section of the EESC and focused on a specific aspect of the strategy, with the aim of hearing the views of civil society organisations on the future of European industry.

  • Published in
    12 pages

    Conference highlights

  • Published in
    8 pages

    Following the publication of the European Commission's Update to the New Industrial Strategy, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has been carrying out a series of activities to fulfil its role of representing the views of organised civil society. A key event in this process has been a conference held on 17 June 2021, from 2.30 to 6 p.m., on Updated industrial strategy: towards a more resilient and strategically autonomous EU industry.

  • Published in
    8 pages

    Following the publication of the European Commission's Update to the New Industrial Strategy, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has been carrying out a series of activities to fulfil its role of representing the views of organised civil society. A first event in this process has been a conference held on 17 June 2021, from 2.30 to 6 p.m., on Updated industrial strategy: towards a more resilient and strategically autonomous EU industry?

  • Published in
    Thematic paper
    2 pages
    Position paper – May 2021

    The European Commission has published a proposal for a new regulatory framework for batteries and waste batteries, aiming to establish minimum sustainability requirements for all batteries placed on the EU internal market. The EESC supports the proposed measures, however, it calls for more precise and workable governance instruments to implement the new regulation, with the involvement of all stakeholders.

  • Published in
    Thematic paper
    4 pages

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) believe that the present and future of critical raw materials resilience is of essential concern to EU's organised civil society. For this reason, and because the Commission's Action Plan represents a step forward by providing a clear roadmap with initiatives and actions to be taken at EU level, overall the EESC recommends that the European Parliament and the Council support this approach.