Európska zelená dohoda

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Európska komisia spustila 11. decembra 2019 Európsku zelenú dohodu, ktorou sa posilňuje záväzok EÚ riešiť klimatické a environmentálne výzvy, čo je hlavnou úlohou tejto generácie. Cieľom Európskej zelenej dohody je premeniť EÚ na moderné a konkurencieschopné hospodárstvo efektívne využívajúce zdroje, čím sa zabezpečí, že:

  • do roku 2050 dosiahneme nulové čisté emisie skleníkových plynov,
  • hospodársky rast nebude závisieť od využívania zdrojov
  • a na žiadneho jednotlivca ani región sa nezabudne.

V záujme realizácie Európskej zelenej dohody vypracovala EÚ komplexný balík iniciatív, ktorý zahŕňa politické a legislatívne návrhy, ako aj rozvoj a modernizáciu finančných nástrojov.

EHSV vyzýva na vytvorenie „Zelenej a sociálnej dohody“, pričom zdôrazňuje úzku spätosť medzi Zelenou dohodou a sociálnou spravodlivosťou. Je nevyhnutné vypočuť názory všetkých zainteresovaných strán s cieľom podporiť udržateľné a konkurencieschopné podniky zajtrajška v zdravom prostredí.

V Európskej zelenej dohode sa kladie veľký dôraz na investície a financovanie zelenej a udržateľnej transformácie. Zelená dohoda je životne dôležité pre to, aby sa Európa pozviechala z pandémie COVID-19. Vynakladá sa na ňu jedna tretina z investícií vo výške 1,8 bilióna EUR z plánu obnovy NextGenerationEU a zo sedemročného rozpočtu EÚ. Toto zvýšenie finančných prostriedkov má pomôcť premeniť krízu na transformačnú príležitosť pre budúcnosť Európy.

EHSV zohráva kľúčovú úlohu pri monitorovaní realizácie iniciatív a opatrení Európskej zelenej dohody. EHSV pripravuje stanoviská a organizuje aktivity (pozri menu na ľavej strane tejto stránky) s cieľom zabezpečiť, aby inštitúcie EÚ zohľadňovali názory organizovanej občianskej spoločnosti a aby iniciatívy v rámci Zelenej dohody boli v súlade s hospodárskou, sociálnou a občianskou realitou v danej oblasti.

Keďže Európska zelená dohoda je problematikou, ktorá má prierezový a komplexný charakter, zameriavajú sa na ňu všetky sekcie EHSV, ako aj CCMI.

  • Prijaté on 10/06/2020 - Bureau decision date: 21/01/2020
    Referenčné dokumenty
    (Czech Republic
    EESC opinion: Just Transition Fund and amendments to the Common Provisions Regulation
  • Prijaté on 10/06/2020 - Bureau decision date: 21/01/2020
    Referenčné dokumenty
    (Czech Republic

    The coronavirus outbreak will have a deep and negative impact on the achievement of the SDGs and the objectives of the European Green Deal. For this reason, the EESC insists on the need to face this urgent threat as soon as possible and focus our recovery efforts without undue delay on the SDGs and the Green Deal. The Sustainable Europe Investment Plan (SEIP) is the first comprehensive policy measure to fulfil very ambitious targets of carbon neutrality until 2050 in line with the EU Green Deal. While saluting the Green Deal's ambitions, the EESC regrets the lack of consistency with the budgetary allocation within the next Multiannual Financial Framework and also expresses its doubts about the effectiveness of climate mainstreaming in all EU programmes and calls on the Member States to involve civil society organisations in pushing for climate-proof EU spending.

    EESC opinion: European Green Deal Investment Plan
  • Prijaté on 10/06/2020 - Bureau decision date: 24/09/2019
    Referenčné dokumenty
    Employers - GR I

    The transition to a low-carbon economy is the EU's goal and obligation and the EU committed itself to implement this transition in a socially just and cost-effective manner. It is thus important to examine all the feasible ways of financing climate neutrality, and possibly find new and innovative financing models in the near future.

    EESC opinion: Financing the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy and the Challenges in Financing Climate Change Adaptation (Exploratory opinion at the request of the Croatian presidency)
  • Prijaté on 20/02/2020 - Bureau decision date: 20/02/2020
    Referenčné dokumenty
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Information report: Sustainable development in the Mediterranean region (information report)
  • Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, chose the conference Empowering consumers on climate change, hosted by the Civil Society Organisations' Group of the European Economic and Social Committee on 11 October, for his first green dialogue. Mr Šefčovič first spoke about the green dialogues at last week's European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety hearing confirming that he would be responsible for the European Green Deal.

  • Inaugural speech at the conference on 'Empowering consumers on climate change' organised by the Civil Society Organisations' Group on 11 October 2023

    Séamus Boland, President of the Civil Society Organisations' Group

  • On 2 May 2023, the Liberal Professions Category of the EESC held the 7th edition of the Day of the Liberal Professions in Brussels. This annual event brings together key players from Europe's liberal professions, as well as key policymakers from the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Member States. This year's event was entitled Fostering skills and delivering the Green Deal.

  • The transition towards a low-carbon economy is a fundamental priority. But the green transition will fail without social dialogue. This represented a general agreement among the discussions during the meeting, particularly if climate policies were not made also socially sustainable and did not take into account the needs and worries of working people, of citizens. Key points raised during the debates included the fact that real wages were decreasing with the soaring inflation, the complementarity of fighting climate change and protecting social rights, and the fundamental role of involving Trade Unions in the design and implementation of policies within the Green Deal.

  • Academia, local civil society organisations, representatives of regional and national authorities and members of the European Economic and Social Committee met at a conference in Dolni Vítkovice, a former industrial area for coal mining and steel production in Ostrava, on 11 October 2022. The conference on Reinventing the Moravian-Silesian Region in search of a socially just transition was organised by the EESC's Civil Society Organisations' Group as part of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • In its resolution on the involvement of organised civil society in the implementation and monitoring of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) the European Economic and Social Committee calls for clear rules to effectively involve social partners and civil society organisations in the Member states' strategies to bring the economy back on track.