Žiedinė ekonomika

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Perėjimas prie žiedinės ekonomikos yra vienas svarbiausių EESRK darbotvarkės klausimų kaip kovos su klimato krize ir mūsų planetos apsaugos sprendimas. Tai puiki galimybė pilietinei visuomenei, nes tokiu būdu galima:

  • padidinti Europos pramonės konkurencingumą;
  • skatinti tvarų ekonomikos augimą;
  • kurti naujas darbo vietas.

Šiandien mūsų ekonomikoje vis dar vyraujantis gamybos ir vartojimo modelis „imti – gaminti – išmesti“ ne tik lemia išteklių eikvojimą, bet ir nepadeda kovoti su klimato kaita. Kitaip nei linijinė ekonomika, žiedinė ekonomika yra regeneracinis ir atkuriamasis modelis, kuriame daugiausia dėmesio skiriama ekonominės vertės kūrimui ir išsaugojimui, sprendžiant pasaulines aplinkos problemas, pavyzdžiui, susijusias su klimato kaita, biologinės įvairovės nykimu ir tarša, ir kartu teikiant ekonominę naudą.

Gera žinia yra tai, kad žiedinė pertvarka jau vyksta vietoje. Pilietinės visuomenės suinteresuotieji subjektai, įskaitant įmones, profesines sąjungas, akademinę bendruomenę ir žinių bendruomenes, jaunimo organizacijas, taip pat NVO ir kitas interesų grupes, kuria ir įgyvendina daug žiedinių iniciatyvų vietos ir regionų lygmeniu. Žiedinių sprendimų ir atitinkamų suinteresuotųjų subjektų lyderystės skatinimas yra geriausia galimybė Europai paspartinti perėjimą prie žiedinės ekonomikos.

Europos žiedinės ekonomikos suinteresuotųjų subjektų platforma, bendra EESRK ir Europos Komisijos iniciatyva, yra 2017 m. sukurta platforma, kurios tikslas – suburti Europos žiedinės ekonomikos bendruomenę. Suinteresuotųjų subjektų vadovaujama platforma remia Europos perėjimą prie žiedinės ekonomikos, skatindama dialogą, dalydamasi žiniomis ir keisdamasi geriausia patirtimi.

  • Priimtos on 13/07/2022 - Bureau decision date: 19/10/2021
    Workers - GR II

    The Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI) package aims to make every aspect of the design, production, use and sale of products placed on the EU market more environmentally-friendly and circular to deliver on the sustainability and climate objectives. The proposals of the package will introduce a new era where sustainable products become the norm as well as Europe's resource independence.

  • Priimtos on 18/05/2022 - Bureau decision date: 19/10/2021
    Employers - GR I
    EESC opinion: Restoring sustainable carbon cycles
  • Priimtos on 09/06/2021 - Bureau decision date: 20/02/2020

    In its own-initiative opinion, the EESC examines the extent to which existing EU company law currently serves as an "expedient" for the politically-desirable Green Deal and which gaps still need to be closed, in particular regarding corporate social responsibility obligations. The opinion aims at following-up on the European Commission's initiative on due diligence and broadening the debate on sustainable corporate governance interlinking the social, environmental and economic dimensions.

    EESC opinion: No Green Deal without a Social Deal
  • Priimtos on 16/09/2020 - Bureau decision date: 18/02/2020
    Employers - GR I
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    Europe is embarking on a transition towards climate neutrality and digital leadership. European businesses can lead the way as we enter this new age, as they has done in the past.

    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential to Europe’s competitiveness and prosperity. Based on the new SME Strategy, the EU will support SMEs by:

    • encouraging innovation through new funding and digital innovation hubs as part of the sustainable and digital transitions;
    • cutting red tape by reducing barriers within the Single Market and opening up access to finance;
    • allowing better access to finance by setting up an SME Initial Public Offering Fund (with investments channelled through a new private-public fund) and the ESCALAR initiative (a mechanism to boost the size of venture capital funds and attract more private investment).
    EESC opinion: SME strategy
    • Position paper "Strengthening SMEs: Way Forward to a Dedicated SME Strategy"
  • Priimtos on 15/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 09/06/2020

    The EESC strongly supports the Commission's proposal – Next Generation EU – as a specific tool for a quick and effective recovery.

    The EESC takes a very positive view of the Commission's two main decisions:

    1. to introduce an extraordinary financial recovery instrument as part of the multiannual financial framework
    2. to raise common debt, which will be repaid over a long period of time, and prevent the extraordinary financial burden from falling directly on the Member States in the short run.

    The EESC strongly welcomes the fact that the newly proposed instrument should be closely coordinated with the European Semester process, and furthermore welcomes the Commission's proposal to introduce additional genuine own resources based on different taxes (revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System, digital taxation, large companies' revenues).

    EESC opinion: Recovery plan for Europe and the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
  • Priimtos on 15/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 18/02/2020
    Workers - GR II

    The European Union and its Member States must stand united to protect their sovereignty. The EESC firmly believes that if Europe is to maintain its leading role in the world, it needs a strong, competitive industrial base. The EESC recognises the crucial importance of shifting to a carbon-neutral economy and of reversing the current curve of biodiversity collapse. Without a green industrial strategy as a cornerstone of the Green Deal, the EU will never succeed in reaching a carbon-neutral economy within one generation. The new industrial strategy must ensure the right balance between supporting European businesses, respecting our 2050 climate neutrality objective and providing consumers with incentives to shift consumption to sustainable goods and services .

    EESC opinion: Industrial strategy
  • Priimtos on 30/10/2019 - Bureau decision date: 19/03/2019
    Workers - GR II
    EESC opinion: Delivering on the circular economy action plan
  • Priimtos on 26/09/2019 - Bureau decision date: 24/01/2019
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    EESC opinion: Developing synergies across different circular economy roadmaps (own-initiative opinion)
  • Priimtos on 17/07/2019 - Bureau decision date: 19/03/2019
    Workers - GR II

    The EESC takes note of the Fourth Report on the State of the Energy Union (SEU), supports the objectives of the Energy Union and welcomes the emphasis on the engagement and mobilisation of EU society to take full ownership of the Energy Union.

    EESC opinion: Report on the State of the Energy Union
  • Priimtos on 19/09/2018 - Bureau decision date: 22/05/2018

    The majority of road accidents are down to human error alone, so a comprehensive approach to road safety is needed. It should cover driver behaviour, the working conditions and skills of professional drivers, and infrastructure.

    EESC opinion: Vehicle safety / protection of vulnerable road users