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    On the occasion of the European Parliament (EP) Gender Equality Week, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) debated the way to improve women's participation in the labour market with EP Vice-President Evelyn Regner.

  • EESC plenary debate linked to the adoption of the opinions SOC/726 on Combatting violence against women and SOC/731 on Gender equality, with Christina Fabre, Team leader on gender-based violence, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

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    At its July plenary, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) debated the Commission's draft directive to tackle gender-based violence and gender equality in presence of Cristina Fabre of the European Institute for Gender Equality. The Committee adopted two opinions with recommendations for making the legislation more effective in combatting such an issue of epidemic proportions and demanded for its inclusion in the list of EU crimes.

  • Equal pay for men and women or for work of equal value is one of the fundamental rights and principles of the EU, but on average women are still paid 14% less per hour than men, with pay differences present in all sectors and widening with age. Although welcomed as a much-needed step to close the gender pay gap, the Commission's proposal on pay transparency is receiving a mixed response, an EESC hearing found.

  • The EESC NAT Section and its Sustainable Development Observatory are marking International Women Day 2021 by taking part in the #IWD2021 action to celebrate women's achievement, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.

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    This year, the EESC honors outstanding citizens' initiatives that champion equal opportunities for women and men and contribute to empowering women in society and the economy

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    Sidste frist for indsendelse af bidrag: 6. september

    Det Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg opfordrer civilsamfundsorganisationer og enkeltpersoner fra hele Den Europæiske Union til at søge om sin vigtige civilsamfundspris. I år vil prisen belønne initiativer, der har som formål at bekæmpe kønsstereotyper og fremme lige muligheder for kvinder og mænd og lige behandling af dem i alle aspekter af det økonomiske liv og samfundslivet.

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    Det Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg (EØSU) har lanceret sin civilsamfundspris 2019. Dette års tema er Flere kvinder i samfundslivet og det økonomiske liv i Europa, og prisen vil belønne innovative initiativer og projekter, der har som formål at kæmpe for lige muligheder for kvinder og mænd og lige behandling af dem i alle aspekter af det økonomiske liv og samfundslivet.

  • Despite the general progress on gender equality, at this pace it will take more than a century for women to become equal to men in Europe, says the EESC

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has urged the European Union and its Member States to put gender equality at the top of their political agenda amid concerns that recent attacks on women's rights in Europe might seriously compromise progress towards equality between men and women.