Den europæiske grønne pagt

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Den 11. december 2019 lancerede Kommissionen den europæiske grønne pagt, der var en styrkelse af EU's tilsagn om at gøre noget ved de klima- og miljørelaterede udfordringer, som er denne generations helt store opgave. Målet med den europæiske grønne pagt er at omdanne EU til en moderne, ressourceeffektiv og konkurrencedygtig økonomi, der sikrer, at:

  • der ikke er nettoudledning af drivhusgasser i 2050
  • den økonomiske vækst afkobles fra ressourceanvendelsen
  • intet menneske og intet sted lades i stikken.

For at realisere målene i den europæiske grønne pagt gennemfører EU en omfattende pakke af initiativer, herunder politiske og lovgivningsmæssige forslag, og udvikler og moderniserer finansieringsinstrumenterne.

EØSU har efterlyst en "grøn og social pagt", idet det har understreget den tætte forbindelse mellem den grønne pagt og social retfærdighed. Det er vigtigt at høre alle interessenter for at gøde jorden for fremtidens bæredygtige og konkurrencedygtige virksomheder i et sundt miljø.

Den europæiske grønne pagt har et stærkt fokus på investeringer og finansiering af den grønne og bæredygtige omstilling. Den grønne pagt er Europas livslinje ud af covid-19-pandemien. En tredjedel af investeringerne på 1,8 mia. EUR fra genopretningsplanen NextGenerationEU og EU's 7-årige budget finansierer den europæiske grønne pagt. Denne saltvandsindsprøjtning til finansieringsmulighederne skal vende krisen til en mulighed for at forandre Europas fremtid.

EØSU spiller en vigtig rolle i at overvåge gennemførelsen af initiativerne og aktionerne forbundet med den europæiske grønne pagt. EØSU udarbejder udtalelser og arrangerer aktiviteter (se sidemenuen til venstre på denne side) for at sikre, at EU-institutionerne tager det organiserede civilsamfunds synspunkter i betragtning, og at initiativerne knyttet til den grønne pagt er forenelige med de økonomiske, sociale og samfundsmæssige forhold i praksis.

Alle EØSU's sektioner og CCMI beskæftiger sig med den europæiske grønne pagt som følge af dens horisontale og altfavnende karakter.

  • Vedtaget on 09/06/2021 - Bureau decision date: 26/01/2021
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Employers - GR I

    In this opinion the EESC:

    • Welcomes Europe's Beating Cancer Plan as a milestone in the fight against cancer and calls for a concrete roadmap for its implementation, with performance indicators, realistic timeframes and close involvement of Social Partners (SP) and Civil Society Organisations (CSO).
    • Considers important that the EU and Member States ensure  the availability of igh-quality, accessible healthcare infrastructure and effective support systems for patients' physical and mental well-being.
    • Asks for the negative consequences caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in accessing to health services to be urgently addressed, recognising as well the supportive role SP and CSO can play in this area. 
    EESC opinion: Europe's beating cancer plan
  • Vedtaget on 09/06/2021 - Bureau decision date: 01/12/2020
    Workers - GR II
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    EESC opinion: Evaluation – 2011 White Paper on Transport
  • Vedtaget on 09/06/2021 - Bureau decision date: 20/02/2020

    In its own-initiative opinion, the EESC examines the extent to which existing EU company law currently serves as an "expedient" for the politically-desirable Green Deal and which gaps still need to be closed, in particular regarding corporate social responsibility obligations. The opinion aims at following-up on the European Commission's initiative on due diligence and broadening the debate on sustainable corporate governance interlinking the social, environmental and economic dimensions.

    EESC opinion: No Green Deal without a Social Deal
  • Vedtaget on 27/04/2021 - Bureau decision date: 01/12/2020
    Workers - GR II
    EESC opinion: Strategy for sustainable and smart mobility
  • Vedtaget on 27/04/2021
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The opinion, presenting EESC's position on the four proposals of the Health package published by the European  Commission in November 2020, supports and welcomes these initiatives but draws the attention on some elements.

    • The EU and Member States should ensure that everyone has equal access to quality, well staffed, well equipped health and social services. This is particularly important in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic which has deepened existing inequalities.
    • Special attention in future EU policies should be given to healthcare workers and the need to improve working conditions, including pay, recruitment and retention, as well as their health and safety.
    • The new EU health package should be combined with the roll-out of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), particularly its principles 12, 16, 17 and 18 and the Action Plan on the EPSR. It should also be part of achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.
    EESC opinion: Building a European Health Union
  • Vedtaget on 27/04/2021 - Bureau decision date: 28/10/2020
    Employers - GR I
    EESC opinion: Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy
  • Vedtaget on 26/04/2021 - Bureau decision date: 26/04/2021
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
  • Vedtaget on 24/03/2021 - Bureau decision date: 01/12/2020
    Workers - GR II
    EESC opinion: Revision of the TEN-E Regulation guidelines
  • Vedtaget on 24/03/2021
    EESC opinion: Adequate minimum wages directive
  • Vedtaget on 24/03/2021 - Bureau decision date: 01/12/2020
    Employers - GR I

    Batteries placed on the EU market should become sustainable, high-performing and safe all along their entire life cycle. This means batteries that are produced with the lowest possible environmental impact, using materials obtained in full respect of human rights as well as social and ecological standards. Batteries have to be long-lasting and safe, and at the end of their life, they should be repurposed, remanufactured or recycled, feeding valuable materials back into the economy.

    EESC opinion: Sustainability requirements for batteries in the EU