Den europæiske grønne pagt

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Den 11. december 2019 lancerede Kommissionen den europæiske grønne pagt, der var en styrkelse af EU's tilsagn om at gøre noget ved de klima- og miljørelaterede udfordringer, som er denne generations helt store opgave. Målet med den europæiske grønne pagt er at omdanne EU til en moderne, ressourceeffektiv og konkurrencedygtig økonomi, der sikrer, at:

  • der ikke er nettoudledning af drivhusgasser i 2050
  • den økonomiske vækst afkobles fra ressourceanvendelsen
  • intet menneske og intet sted lades i stikken.

For at realisere målene i den europæiske grønne pagt gennemfører EU en omfattende pakke af initiativer, herunder politiske og lovgivningsmæssige forslag, og udvikler og moderniserer finansieringsinstrumenterne.

EØSU har efterlyst en "grøn og social pagt", idet det har understreget den tætte forbindelse mellem den grønne pagt og social retfærdighed. Det er vigtigt at høre alle interessenter for at gøde jorden for fremtidens bæredygtige og konkurrencedygtige virksomheder i et sundt miljø.

Den europæiske grønne pagt har et stærkt fokus på investeringer og finansiering af den grønne og bæredygtige omstilling. Den grønne pagt er Europas livslinje ud af covid-19-pandemien. En tredjedel af investeringerne på 1,8 mia. EUR fra genopretningsplanen NextGenerationEU og EU's 7-årige budget finansierer den europæiske grønne pagt. Denne saltvandsindsprøjtning til finansieringsmulighederne skal vende krisen til en mulighed for at forandre Europas fremtid.

EØSU spiller en vigtig rolle i at overvåge gennemførelsen af initiativerne og aktionerne forbundet med den europæiske grønne pagt. EØSU udarbejder udtalelser og arrangerer aktiviteter (se sidemenuen til venstre på denne side) for at sikre, at EU-institutionerne tager det organiserede civilsamfunds synspunkter i betragtning, og at initiativerne knyttet til den grønne pagt er forenelige med de økonomiske, sociale og samfundsmæssige forhold i praksis.

Alle EØSU's sektioner og CCMI beskæftiger sig med den europæiske grønne pagt som følge af dens horisontale og altfavnende karakter.

  • Conference on Professional Support for the EU Blue Deal

    Join us on 7 May 2024, when the Liberal Professions Category of the EESC proudly presents the 8th edition of the Day of Liberal Professions. The conference is open to the public. You can either join the conference in person or from remote. Prior registration for both is required. Please register until 2 May 2024 on our dedicated registration page. Please register here until 2 May 2024.

  • The Civil Society Organisations' Group will hold a thematic debate on the Nature Restoration Law during its meeting on 20 March 2024, from 12:00 to 13:00. You can follow the debate live via the streaming on this event page.

  • In the context of the upcoming European elections in June 2024, the high-level discussion at the NAT section meeting on 26 February will contribute to set the agenda of the new Commission. Building on previous EESC opinions and events on "The sustainable economy we need" and "Beyond GDP measures", the debate will feed into the own-initiative opinion on A Blueprint for a European Green and Social Deal, based on a wellbeing economy.

  • The event will present a grassroots and local government perspective on the European Green Deal, with ECOLISE and ICLEI Europe sharing insights into the handprint of community-led initiatives and local governments in addressing the planetary crisis. 

  • Extraordinary meeting of the Civil Society Organisations' Group

    Registration is now closed. We invite you to follow the conference via webstream.

  • The purpose of this hearing will be to contribute to the EESC opinion and to the debate on the rethinking of the internal market in light of the acceleration of the twin transitions and on crafting a European Industrial Strategy that strenghen EU industries.

  • The sustainable economy we need - With Executive Vice-President Timmermans

    Following the success of the previous Youth Climate and Sustainability Round Tables, the EESC will host the fourth EU Youth Round Table on Tuesday 18 July, 10:30-11:30 CEST. Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, will participate in the event and will engage with the youth representatives on the topic: the sustainable economy we need for a successful implementation of the European Green and Social Deal.

  • Extraordinary meeting of the Civil Society Organisations' Group in the framework of the Czech Presidency

    On 11 October 2022, the Civil Society Organisations' Group of the European Economic and Social Committee will hold a conference under the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in Ostrava, Czech Republic, on Reinventing the Moravian-Silesian Region in search of a socially just transition. This is an in-person event that will be streamed online.

  • How to speed up the Shift to Renewable Energy in Europe

    The Sustainable Development Observatory of  the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will host an online conference with the aim to assess the future development of photovoltaic systems and wind power plants and discuss how to build up the European renewable industry to avoid creating new dependencies. 

  • Extraordinary Workers' Group meeting

    The Workers' Group is organizing an extraordinary meeting in Prague focusing on the programme and priorities of the Czech EU Presidency and on the role of the social dialogue within the green transition.