Asie a Tichomoří

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V Asii udržuje EHSV vztahy s organizacemi občanské společnosti v Číně, Japonsku, Singapuru, Jižní Koreji a ve Vietnamu.

V roce 2007 byl v návaznosti na 9. vrcholnou schůzku EU-Čína vytvořen oficiální kulatý stůl občanské společnosti EU-Čína, jenž se koná jednou ročně.

V únoru 2009 byl zřízen monitorovací výbor EU–Japonsko, jehož úkolem je monitorovat aspekty týkající se občanské společnosti ve vztazích mezi EU a Japonskem a podporovat spolupráci mezi EHSV a organizacemi podnikatelů, pracovníků, spotřebitelů, environmentálními organizacemi a dalšími důležitými organizacemi občanské společnosti v Japonsku. V rámci dohody mezi EU a Japonskem o hospodářském partnerství byla zřízena interní poradní skupina EU–Japonsko. V kapitole této dohody věnované obchodu a udržitelnému rozvoji se občanské společnosti přiznává monitorovací a poradní úloha.

EU uzavřela dohody o volném obchodu s těmito asijskými zeměmi: Jižní Koreou (2011), Japonskem (2019), Singapurem (2019) a Vietnamem (2020). Pro tyto dohody je charakteristické, že obsahují kapitoly o obchodu a udržitelném rozvoji a přiznávají EHSV a dalším organizacím občanské společnosti spolu s organizacemi občanské společnosti partnerských zemí formální úlohu, jež spočívá ve sledování provádění dohod a poskytování poradenství příslušným politickým orgánům v oblasti ekologických, sociálních a pracovních norem a v souvislosti s dalšími záležitostmi, které mají pro občanskou společnost bezprostřední význam. Tato činnost se provádí prostřednictvím interních poradních skupin. Každý rok se konají dvě až tři schůze interních poradních skupin EU a společná schůze pak jednou ročně.

EHSV navíc příležitostně spolupracuje s občanskou společností i v dalších asijských zemích a podílí se na relevantních mezinárodních akcích.

  • Jonathan Peel during the plenary session

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has adopted at its March plenary session an opinion on the Joint Communication "Connecting Europe and Asia – Building blocks for an EU Strategy", issued by the European Commission and the EU High Representative in September 2018. The EESC considers it to be a seriously missed opportunity, with many significant strategic gaps, little ambition and no real depth of vision offered as to the development of EU's relationship and connectivity with Asia.  

  • Meeting of the EU-Japan and South East Asia Follow-up Committee

    The EESC EU-Japan & South-East Asia Follow-up Committee meets on 12 September 2023 to discuss various aspects of EU-Japan & South-East Asia relations. Main topics on the programme:

    • The EU and South=East Asia
    • Global overview and civil society in South-East Asia
  • The EU and the Japan Domestic Advisory Groups (DAGs), established under the Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) chapter of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), attended the 3rd EU-Japan Joint Dialogue with Civil Society, which took place in virtual format on 27 January 2022.

  • A DAG-to-DAG is a joint civil society body between the partner countries of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), bringing together the separate DAGs of each party. This is the 2nd joint meeting of the EU and Singapore DAGs under the EU-Singapore FTA.

  • This meeting was an excellent opportunity for a timely update by DG Trade on the implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter under the FTA, as well as for a constructive exchange with the Director of the ILO office in Hanoi on the labour situation in Vietnam and the state of play of the roadmap.

    Additionally, Ambassador Vu Anh Quang, from the Vietnamese Mission to the EU, participated in an exchange with the EU Domestic Advisory Group (EU DAG) members to share his views on ongoing topics within the context of the EU Vietnam relations.

    The members of the EU DAG, which is composed of representatives of employers' organisations, trade unions and various interest groups, also further discussed its work programme and prepared the upcoming joint meetings with its Vietnamese civil society counterparts.

    On 28 May, nevertheless, after this EU DAG meeting and following the postponement of the joint EU-Vietnam meetings due to the fact that the Vietnam DAG had not been established yet, the members of the EU DAG issued a statement on the late cancellation of the first Trade and Sustainable Development Committee and the first Joint forum between European and Vietnamese civil society, which had been planned to take place in the first week of June 2021.

    Read the full statement here:!wm77KY

  • -
    Joint meeting

    The EU DAG and the Korea DAG met for the first time since 2018 to hold the 7th EU-Korea Civil Society Forum (CSF).

  • This was the first meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group (DAG), composed of representatives of employers' organisations, trade unions and various interest groups. At the meeting, the EU DAG received information from the European External Action Service (EEAS) on the EU relations with Vietnam and exchange with representatives of the European Commission's DG TRADE and the European Parliament on the implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development chapter of the FTA. The EU DAG had also a first discussion on its work programme.

  • Virtual meeting via WEBEX

    The EESC EU-Japan Follow-up Committee will meet in the morning of 7 January 2021. It will discuss various aspects of EU-Japan relations and set its work programme for the first half of the new mandate.

  • The EESC EU-Japan Follow-up Committee met the morning of 17 July. Items for discussion on the agenda were: the EU-Japan Relations in the post COVID-19 era and  Research and innovation. In addition to this, the Follow-up Committee assessed the current mandate period and reflected on future perspectives.

  • (Hybrid WEBEX)

    During the meeting, the members of the Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) of the EU - composed of representatives of employers' organisations, trade unions and various interest groups -  followed up on the joint meetings with the Japanese counterparts that took place in Tokyo in January this year. They also discussed the work programme of the EU DAG and topics for future cooperation and dialogue.  Additionally, the members of the EU DAG exchanged views with representatives of the European Commission on matters related to the implementation of the trade and sustainable development chapter of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).