AKR šalys ir Afrika

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Nuo pirmosios Lomės konvencijos (1975 m.) iki Kotonu susitarimo (2000–2021 m.) ES ir Afrikos, Karibų ir Ramiojo vandenyno (AKR) valstybių grupei, kuri neseniai tapo Afrikos, Karibų jūros ir Ramiojo vandenyno valstybių organizacija (OACPS), priklausančių 79 valstybių santykiai buvo reguliuojami pagal AKR ir ES partnerystės susitarimus.

Per visą šį laikotarpį EESRK kartu su AKR pilietine visuomene kovojo, kad būtų pripažintas esminis nevalstybinių subjektų vaidmuo vystymosi procese, kol tai buvo padaryta Kotonu susitarimu, pagal kurį EESRK įgaliotas organizuoti veiklą ir konsultacijas su AKR šalių ir ES ekonominių ir socialinių interesų grupėmis siekiant sužinoti organizuotos pilietinės visuomenės nuomonę ir leisti jai išreikšti savo požiūrį. Tikslas – skatinti mainus ir rengti rekomendacijas dėl klausimų ir politikos, susijusios su AKR šalių ir ES santykiais, ir šias rekomendacijas vėliau oficialiai pateikti ES ir AKR šalių vadovams.

Praktiniu požiūriu su ES ir OACPS santykiais susijusi EESRK veikla vykdoma vadovaujant įtraukiam ES ir AKR šalių tęstinio darbo komitetui, kuriam priklauso EESRK nariai ir AKR šalių ekonominių ir socialinių interesų grupių atstovai

ES ir AKR šalių tęstinio darbo komitetas palaiko reguliarius ryšius su AKR regiono pilietinės visuomenės atstovais įvairiais lygmenimis organizuojant:

  • reguliarius AKR šalių ir ES tęstinio darbo komiteto posėdžius,
  • regioninius seminarus AKR šalyse, kur pakaitomis skirtinguose regionuose aptariami bendro intereso klausimai su pilietinės visuomenės atstovais,
  • kas trejus metus rengiamus AKR šalių ir ES ekonominių ir socialinių interesų grupių visuotinius posėdžius Briuselyje.

EESRK taip pat palaiko reguliarius ryšius su Afrikos Sąjungos ekonominių ir socialinių interesų grupių atstovais pagal bendrą Afrikos ir ES strategiją. EESRK būtent rengia metinius susitikimus su Afrikos ir ES ekonomikos ir socialinio sektorių suinteresuotųjų subjektų tinklu. 

EESRK jau daugelį metų palaiko reguliarius ryšius su AKR ir ES jungtine parlamentine asamblėja ir pateikia savo veiklos ataskaitą plenarinės asamblėjos posėdžiuose.

EESRK taip pat palaiko glaudžius santykius su tarptautinėmis darbdavių, darbuotojų, ūkininkų, kooperatyvų ir vartotojų organizacijomis. Šios organizacijos skiria AKR šalių atstovus, kviečiamus dalyvauti EESRK rengiamuose susitikimuose, įskaitant AKR šalių ir ES tęstinio darbo komiteto susitikimus.

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    The EESC has been entrusted by the Cotonou Agreement with maintaining relations with socio-economic actors and civil society from ACP countries.

    Priorities and activities within the frame of the ACP-EU civil society relations are decided and implemented through an ACP-EU Follow-Up Committee (FuC), which is composed of 12 EESC members and 12 representatives of ACP economic and social interest groups. The FuC is also a primary partner of the political authorities in the Cotonou partnership and the other EU institutions.

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    The Consultative Committee (CC) is one of the 5 institutions foreseen in the EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement. The CC is composed of 40 (25 from the CARIFORM side and 15 from  the EU side)  standing representatives of organisations of the civil society  representing employers' organisations, trade unions, other economic, social and non-governmental organisations, including development and environmental organisations; and the academic community.

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    The Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) has been the main framework for relations between the continents of Europe and Africa since 2007. Its goal is to develop a shared vision of the main global issues whilst simultaneously strengthening cooperation in a broad range of areas such as development, governance, human rights, trade, regional integration, food security and migration. To this end, meetings of EU-African economic and social stakeholders are held on a regular basis.

  • The social economy is prominent in everyday life and in the productive activity of large regions of the world and makes a decisive contribution to improving the living and working conditions of millions of people. However, the social economy is not specifically recognised as a sector in the EU development cooperation programmes.One of the principal aims of the opinion is that the external dimension of the EU’s programmes and initiatives should establish support measures specifically targeted at boosting businesses and organisations in the social economy.

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    The EESC organises regional seminars every year in an ACP region –this year, in Eastern Africa (Nairobi) on 4‑5 July 2016, with three main topics of discussion:

    - Implementation of the SDGs - The Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Eastern African States. - The post-Cotonou agenda.

    At the end of the seminar, a final declaration will be issued that will be forwarded to the partners of the Cotonou agreement.

    Around 60 representatives of economic and social actors as well as political authorities and international organisations will attend the seminar.

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    Under the auspices of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organises meetings with ACP and EU economic and social interest groups. This role has been confirmed by the Cotonou Agreement, which mandates the EESC to organise consultation sessions and meetings of ACP and EU economic and social interest groups (Protocol 1).

    Within this framework, the EESC organises general meetings in Brussels every three years, with delegates from the 78 ACP countries, together with representatives of the EU institutions, national economic and social councils, the secretariat of the ACP Group of States, EU and ACP states' diplomatic missions, NGOs and other interested parties. These general meetings are in addition to the regional seminars, which take place in the ACP regions once a year.

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    The Consultative Committee (CC) is one of the 5 institutions foreseen in the EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement. The CC is composed of 40 (25 from the CARIFORM side and 15 from  the EU side)  standing representatives of organisations of the civil society  representing employers' organisations, trade unions, other economic, social and non-governmental organisations, including development and environmental organisations; and the academic community.

  • Published in
    8 pages

    The External Relations Section (REX) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is responsible for dialogue between European civil society organisations and their homologues from the countries with which the European Union has formal relations (e.g. under the form of a Free Trade Agreement). Through this dialogue, made possible by a series of bilateral bodies, and through specialized opinions and information reports, the Committee is able to concretely contribute to EU foreign policy.

  • Document type
    Latest update

    Letter from EEAS_Final Declaration 7th Meeting EU Africa

    Letter from EEAS_Final Declaration 7th Meeting EU Africa
  • Document type
    Latest update

    Letter of the President of the European Council, Mr Charles Michel

    Letter of the President of the European Council, Mr Charles Michel