Latinamerika och Västindien

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EESK har samarbetat med motsvarigheter i Latinamerika och Karibien sedan 1990-talet. EESK har i flera yttranden fokuserat på förbindelserna med denna region, på regional, subregional och nationell nivå. EESK har bl.a. följande prioriteringar: utveckling av det civila samhällets organisationer, ekonomisk och social utveckling, regional integration och multilateralt samarbete.

På regional nivå anordnar EESK vartannat år möten mellan företrädare för civilsamhällesorganisationer i Europa, Latinamerika och Karibien, som ett av de förberedande evenemangen inför toppmötet mellan EU och Celac.

På subregional och nationell nivå har flera permanenta strukturer inrättats: 2009 inrättade EESK tillsammans med Brasiliens ekonomiska och sociala råd en rundabordskonferens för det civila samhället för att tillhandahålla ett forum för dialog och fortlöpande samarbete mellan företrädare för det civila samhället i Brasilien och EU. Genom associeringsavtalet mellan EU och Chile fick kommittén i uppdrag att med sin motsvarighet i det chilenska civila samhället inrätta en gemensam rådgivande kommitté med uppgift att övervaka avtalet, och denna inrättades slutligen 2016. När det gäller länderna i Andinska gemenskapen deltar EESK i den inhemska rådgivande grupp som övervakar frihandelsavtalet mellan EU och Colombia, Peru och Ecuador. EESK deltar också i den rådgivande kommittén EU–Cariforum, som övervakar det ekonomiska partnerskapsavtalet mellan Cariforum och EU. Permanenta förbindelser har upprättats med EESK:s institutionella motsvarigheter i Mercosur (det rådgivande ekonomiska och sociala forumet) och Centralamerika (den rådgivande kommittén för det centralamerikanska integrationssystemet).

  • CARIFORUM-EU Consultative Committee - 6th meeting

    The Cariforum-EU Consultative Committee (CC) was established with the task and responsibility of promoting dialogue and cooperation between representatives of organisations of civil society, including the academic community, and social and economic partners.

  • ACP

    Under the auspices of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS)-European Union relations, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organises regular consultation meetings with ACP and EU economic and social stakeholders, including representatives of civil society originating from the 79 ACP countries.

  • The 19th meeting of the EU Advisory Group for the EU-Central America Association Agreement took place virtually on 18 March 2021.

  • JCC meeting / Virtual

    The EU-Chile Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) held its sixth preparatory meeting in the new mandate on 7 December 2020, one week after the successful visit of Foreign Affairs Minister Andrés Allamand Zavalala in Brussels.

  • Interactio Hybrid

    14th meeting of the EU Advisory Group for the EU-Colombia, Peru and Ecuador Free Trade Agreement

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    The 6th meeting of the EU-Central America joint meeting of civil society Advisory Groups and Civil Society Dialogue Forum took place on 12 and 13 November 2020 virtually.

    On Friday 13 November 2020,the Advisory Groups of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, together with the European Union Advisory Group, met to debate and  address the concerns of all sectors represented in them, also taking into account the challenges ahead in the awake of the COVID-19 crisis on the two regions, and make recommendations to the Trade and Sustainable Development Board.

  • Video-conference

    The 18th meeting of the EU Advisory Group for the EU-Central America Association Agreement will take place virtually on 10 November 2020.

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    Video-conference Joint meeting

    During the meeting, the EU Domestic Advisory Group (EU DAG) and civil society representatives from the Colombia DAG, Peru Domestic Mechanism and Ecuador DAG discussed the implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Title of the Trade Agreement,...

  • The fourth meeting of the EU-Chile Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), established by the EU-Chile Association Agreement was held via a video conference on 27 November 2019. At this meeting, the members adopted a Joint Statement.

    The JCC is made up of eighteen members, nine from the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and nine from Chilean civil society organisations. It is co-chaired by Josep Puxeu Rocamora, EESC member, and Roberto Zúñiga Belauzarán, Director, National Confederation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CONAPYME).

  • The fifth meeting of the EU-Chile Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), established by the EU-Chile Association Agreement was held via a video conference on 15 May 2020. 

    The members discussed topics of interest for both parties, such as the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on cooperation, trade and investment, decent work and informal economy and the Agenda for Sustainable Development; as well as proposals for strengthening of the role of the Joint Consultative Committee. The members adopted a Final Declaration on these topics.