Anti-trafficking directive

Download — EESC opinion: Anti-trafficking directive

Key points



  • welcomes the Commission's proposal to amend the Anti-Trafficking Directive, as it agrees with the need for further progress and improvement in the fight against trafficking in human beings and the protection of victims;
  • emphasises that the gender dimension in the content and implementation of the directive should be strengthened, given that the vast majority of victims are women and girls. Similarly, attention should be paid to vulnerable situations that may facilitate recruitment and exploitation by criminal networks;
  • believes that the directive should pay greater attention to victims of trafficking, and wishes to highlight the Member States' obligation to care for and protect victims and ensure their social inclusion as far as possible. In addition to restating the need to avoid punishing victims of trafficking, the directive should strengthen mechanisms and tools to assist and support victims, especially those from vulnerable groups;
  • calls on the Commission to include in its proposal for a directive the need to comply with Directive 2004/81/EC on the residence permit issued to third country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings, or who have been the subject of an action to facilitate irregular immigration and who cooperate with the competent authorities;
  • recommends that an independent monitoring and assurance body be established for each Member State. Such body should include a national rapporteur who monitors the effectiveness of the measures implemented by Member States in the fight against trafficking, carry out research, and engage with public and private stakeholders who deal with the phenomenon at various levels.