Latinamerika og Vestindien

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EØSU har samarbejdet med sine søsterorganisationer i Latinamerika og Caribien siden 1990'erne. Udvalget har i adskillige af sine udtalelser fokuseret på forbindelserne med disse regioner både på regionalt, subregionalt og nationalt niveau. EØSU's prioriteter omfatter udvikling af civilsamfundsorganisationer, økonomisk og social udvikling, regional integration og multilateralt samarbejde.

På regionalt niveau arrangerer EØSU hvert andet år møder mellem repræsentanter for civilsamfundsorganisationerne i Europa, Latinamerika og Caribien som led i forberedelserne til topmødet mellem EU og CELAC. 

På subregionalt niveau er der oprettet adskillige permanente strukturer. I 2009 lancerede EØSU i samarbejde med Brasiliens økonomiske og sociale råd en rundbordsdialog for civilsamfundet med henblik på at skabe et forum for dialog og fortsat samarbejde mellem repræsentanter for det europæiske og det brasilianske civilsamfund. Ved associeringsaftalen mellem EU og Chile fik EØSU mandat til sammen med sin chilenske modpart at nedsætte et blandet rådgivende udvalg med henblik på at følge med i gennemførelsen af aftalen. Dette udvalg blev endeligt nedsat i 2016. For så vidt angår landene i Det Andinske Fællesskab, deltager EØSU i den interne rådgivende gruppe, der overvåger frihandelsaftalen mellem EU og Colombia, Peru og Ecuador. Desuden deltager EØSU i det rådgivende udvalg Cariforum-EU, der overvåger den økonomiske partnerskabsaftale mellem EU og Cariforumlandene. Der er etableret permanente forbindelser med EØSU's institutionelle pendanter i Mercosur (det økonomiske og sociale rådgivende forum) og Centralamerika (det rådgivende udvalg for det mellemamerikanske integrationssystem).

  • During the meeting, the Commission representative provided information about the implementation of the project on labour standards delivered in cooperation with the ILO in El Salvador and Guatemala. The Commission also informed about preparations for meetings with Central America planned for 15-17 June in Honduras, in particular meeting of the intergovernmental Board on Trade and Sustainable Development. The EU Advisory Group then discussed preparations for the civil society meetings with Central America, which this year will include a workshop on market access, a joint meeting of the Advisory Groups and an open Civil Society Dialogue Forum. In the afternoon, a video-conference with Central American partners took place to discuss preparations for joint meetings.

  • During the meeting, the EU DAG had an opportunity to discuss with Mr. Helmut Scholz, Member of the European Parliament, implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Title and work of the civil society monitoring mechanism in the framework of the EU-Colombia and Peru Trade Agreement. Moreover, the representatives of the European External Action Service (EEAS) presented information about the EU relations and cooperation with Colombia and Peru. Based on the Second Annual Report, the Commission representative provided information about the implementation of the Trade Agreement, changes in trade flows and work of joint bodies. He also informed about the procedures and timeline related to Ecuador's accession to the Agreement. The EU DAG discussed also with the Commission preparations for the next meeting with Colombia and Peru under the Trade and Sustainable Development Title, as well as the ways to better communicate its activities to the partners and other relevant stakeholders.

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    The Consultative Committee (CC) is one of the 5 institutions foreseen in the EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement. The CC is composed of 40 (25 from the CARIFORM side and 15 from  the EU side)  standing representatives of organisations of the civil society  representing employers' organisations, trade unions, other economic, social and non-governmental organisations, including development and environmental organisations; and the academic community.

  • During the meeting, the representative of the European External Action Service (EEAS) presented information about the EU relations and cooperation with Central America. Based on the Second Annual Report, the Commission representative provided information about the implementation of the trade pillar of the Association Agreement, changes in trade flows and work of joint bodies established by the Agreement. The EU Advisory Group discussed also preparations for the next meeting with Central America under the Trade and Sustainable Development Title, as well as the ways to better communicate its activities to the Central American partners and other relevant stakeholders.

  • Published in
    8 pages

    The External Relations Section (REX) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is responsible for dialogue between European civil society organisations and their homologues from the countries with which the European Union has formal relations (e.g. under the form of a Free Trade Agreement). Through this dialogue, made possible by a series of bilateral bodies, and through specialized opinions and information reports, the Committee is able to concretely contribute to EU foreign policy.

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    Latest update

    Ex-post evaluation of the EPA between the EU and its Member States and the CARIFORUM Member States

    January 2020

    Ex-post evaluation CARIFORUM-EU EPA January 2020
  • Document type
    Joint declaration
    Latest update

    Joint statement from the fifth meeting of the CARIFORUM-EU Consultative Committee

    Joint Statement from the fifth meeting of the CARIFORUM-EU Consultative Committee
  • Document type
    Joint declaration
    Latest update

    Concept note proposal to establish a CARIFORUM-EU Centre in Europe – Joint Statement appendix

    Concept note proposal to establish a CARIFORUM-EU Centre in Europe – Joint Statement appendix
  • Latest update

    The main conclusion of the paper is that the incorporation of environmental provisions within the EPAs may present some benefits to ACP countries. These include increased enforcement of environmental laws and the raising of domestic environmental standards. However, developing countries will have to seek ways to mitigate some risks and challenges associated with internal and regional coordination in negotiations, legal burdens of the negotiating process itself and the implementation of obligations as well as the establishment and maintenance of appropriate levels of environmental protection and institution building. ACP countries will need appropriate packages of technical assistance, capacity building, and environmental cooperation to meet this new environmental agenda in their trade agreements.

    Environmental issues in economic partnership agreements: Implications for developing countries