Press releases

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    On 14 November, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a conference on demographic challenges in the European Union. As announced by the Croatian government, demographic revitalisation will feature high on the agenda of the upcoming Croatian presidency of the Council of the EU.

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    Building on its newly published report on the rule-of-law situation in Europe, the EESC conference calls for a mature and structured dialogue between governments and civil society to reverse backsliding on the rule of law in the EU

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    EESC criticises European Council decision to deny the opening of accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is deeply disappointed about EU leaders' decision to further postpone opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania at the European Council of 17-18 October, due to the lack of unanimity between the Member States.

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) presented, at its October plenary session, its contribution to the work programme of the European Commission for the next five years, pointing out that the EU must focus on climate change, digitalisation, the rule of law and globalisation, and embrace a new system of governance, one that more closely involves civil society organisations.

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) plenary session hosted a debate with Michel Barnier, European Union chief negotiator for Brexit, on 30 October. During the debate, Mr Barnier called for a close partnership between the EU and the UK after Brexit, bearing in mind that peace in Ireland must be a priority and that "the integrity of the single market is not negotiable".

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    Cooperation and partnership between governments and civil society will be crucial for completing ambitious reforms needed for the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union. Taking into account economic, social and environmental aspects is equally important for strengthening the social role of the European semester, concluded a high-level panel of top EU officials and experts at the plenary session of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

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    At the September plenary session of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, took stock of the ground covered during her term and gave her insight into the challenges facing the European public administration and how they should be addressed, while the EESC president, Luca Jahier, stressed the need for people‑oriented EU institutions.

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    The September plenary session of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted a debate during which the Committee's president, Luca Jahier, reiterated his priorities for the future of Europe and the European Parliament vice-president, Klára Dobrev, presented the Parliament's focus for the 2019-2024 legislature.

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted a high-level conference on 5 September to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership.

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    Termín pro podání přihlášek: 6. září

    Evropský hospodářský a sociální výbor zve organizace občanské společnosti a jednotlivce z celé Evropské unie, aby se přihlásili do soutěže o jeho stěžejní Cenu pro občanskou společnost. V letošním roce budou oceněny iniciativy, jež bojují proti genderovým stereotypům prosazováním rovných příležitostí žen a mužů a rovného zacházení ve všech oblastech hospodářského a společenského života.