Press releases

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    The names of the finalists for the 2024 EU Organic Awards have been revealed today. For each of the eight categories, the top three projects have been selected, representing 24 finalists from 12 EU countries. The winners of the eight awards will be unveiled at the official ceremony in Brussels on 23 September, as part of a series of events and activities celebrating the annual EU Organic Day.

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    On 17 July, the President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Oliver Röpke, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) represented by its Presiding Officer, Khalid Boudali. The memorandum aims to formalise the partnership between the two institutions and enhance economic and social stakeholder involvement in the Africa-EU partnership. 

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is calling for the Commission's proposal on making EU traineeships fairer and more inclusive to be reinforced. Nearly half of the EU’s more than three million trainees are unpaid and almost a third have no access to social protection. All young people should have the chance to benefit from the traineeship experience - not just those who can afford it

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted a resolution during its July plenary session rejecting the idea of transforming cohesion policy into a mechanism similar to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The EESC calls for cohesion policy to be strengthened and for civil society to be involved, just as it was for the 2021-2027 programming period. 

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    The European elections proved that the pro-European majority still holds, but also showed that voters across the EU demand urgent political and legislative responses to the challenges raised in the electoral campaign. Otherwise, the pro-European majority may risk losing support as citizens may increasingly turn their backs on the mainstream political forces.

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    Alla sessione plenaria di luglio del Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE), il Presidente del Comitato Oliver Röpke ha tenuto un dibattito con il ministro ungherese per gli Affari dell'Unione europea János Bóka, il quale ha presentato le priorità principali del semestre di presidenza ungherese del Consiglio dell'UE.

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    In occasione del convegno annuale sulla povertà energetica, il Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) ha fatto il punto sull'aumento allarmante del numero di persone in condizioni di povertà energetica nel corso dello scorso anno. Il CESE invia un messaggio deciso ai leader dell'UE e presenta proposte concrete per conseguire un approvvigionamento energetico stabile e a prezzi accessibili, sostenendo nel contempo le persone vulnerabili, le famiglie e le PMI.

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    A pochi giorni dallo svolgimento delle elezioni europee del 2024 il Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) e i consigli economici e sociali nazionali dell'UE si sono riuniti per discutere dello stato di avanzamento della duplice transizione verde e digitale in corso, e hanno concluso che la società civile organizzata ha chiaramente un ruolo essenziale nel cercare di porre rimedio alle lacune riscontrate.

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    At its May plenary, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) discussed lessons learned from the 2004 EU enlargement. The current geopolitical and security situations make further enlargement an even more urgent task for Europe.

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    With hate speech and hate crime rising at a frightening rate, Europeans are joining forces and stepping up action against all forms of hatred to send the message that there is no place for hate in the EU