Participatívna demokracia

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  • Transparency International EU and Generation Climate Europe have now joined the EESC's network of European civil society organisations working to shape EU laws

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    Európania musia poznať konkrétny vplyv rozhodnutí EÚ na ich životy, čo ich pomôže mobilizovať sa k účasti na voľbách. Rôznym krajinám EÚ je potrebné prispôsobiť rôzne posolstvá. Je potrebné preto urýchlene riešiť prekážky, ktoré bránia mladým ľuďom vstúpiť do politiky.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), in partnership with the Economic and Social Council of the Slovak Republic, will hold its annual civil society communication seminar – #ConnectingEU2023 – on 23-24 November 2023. This year's theme is "European elections 2024: Why vote?"

  • Despite being recognised as a constitutional principle of the EU, participatory democracy in Europe is still largely unstructured, with no formal institutional agreements that would allow citizens and civil society organisations to directly contribute to the development of EU policies


  • Civil society organisations (CSOs) must be recognised, involved and supported as partners that defend and strengthen European democracy and contribute to a functioning rule of law culture.

  • Conference on 'Civil society organisations defending and strengthening European democracy' organised by the EESC's Civil Society Organisations' Group

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    Európsky hospodársky a sociálny výbor (EHSV) usporiadal 23. a 24. marca 14. ročník podujatia Vaša Európa, váš názor (YEYS), ktoré priviedlo do Bruselu 105 študentov z 35 škôl zo všetkých 27 členských štátov EÚ a siedmich kandidátskych krajín. Vzhľadom na mnohé spoločenské a hospodárske výzvy, zmenšujúci sa občiansky priestor a hrozby pre mier a základné práva sa tohtoročná konferencia zamerala na „Dialógy mládeže o demokracii“. Jej cieľom bolo zabezpečiť, aby boli pri formovaní budúcnosti Európy vypočuté hlasy mladých ľudí. Odporúčania študentov budú v júni predložené európskym inštitúciám a tvorcom politík EÚ na vysokej úrovni.

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    On 23 March, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a plenary debate and adopted a resolution entitled "United for Democracy" with concrete proposals to strengthen democracies and democratic values across the European Union. Policymakers, experts, and organised civil society representatives agreed that civic education, better funding to social partners and a focus on the local dimension, are key to democracy in Europe.

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    The EESC held a debate in plenary on the growing importance of organised civil society and cities in Europe's ability to face asymmetric shocks and unforeseen crises. This was linked to the adoption of two opinions, on Flexible Assistance to Territories (FAST-CARE) and on the Ljubljana Agreement on the Urban Agenda of the EU. The Committee welcomes both initiatives, but finds they miss the bar in terms of properly empowering and involving organised civil society. A key measure proposed by the EESC is to create a separate EU fund for the reconstruction and development of Ukraine to complement the efforts made by the Member States.

  • In its resolution on the involvement of organised civil society in the implementation and monitoring of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) the European Economic and Social Committee calls for clear rules to effectively involve social partners and civil society organisations in the Member states' strategies to bring the economy back on track.