Conservation of fishery resources and protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures

Download — EESC opinion: Conservation of fishery resources and protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures


This proposal aims to develop a new framework of technical measures for the Atlantic and the North Sea following the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) to ensure the protection of marine biological resources and the reduction of the impact of fishing activities on fish stocks and on marine eco-systems. It aims to simplify and bring together but also, where appropriate, improve the effectiveness of existing technical measures (like minimum mesh sizes for nets, specifications for design and use of gears, or closed areas and seasons).

Relevant EESC opinions

Key points

The Committee supports the Commission's approach regarding the need to update and simplify how technical measures are currently governed. However, some of the proposals do not take the practical conditions of fishing activities fully into consideration.

The Committee asks the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission to establish a genuine dialogue with fishermen and their representatives before taking any decision on the proposals. The tacit agreement and cooperation of fishermen are needed if the rules are to be respected, which is more likely if fishermen are fully involved in the debate.