Cities: they do not work without the citizens

On 3 May 2016 Prof. Jo Coenen, Curating Director of IBA Parkstad invited Mr van Iersel, ECO Section President, Mr Palmieri, president, and Mr Haken, rapporteur of the EESC opinion on the Future of the EU Urban Agenda, to visit IBA Parkstad in Heerlen, Netherlands.

IBA (Internationale Bau Ausstellung) Parkstad represents a remarkable illustration of the European Urban Agenda objectives, a process the EESC fully supports, to develop an exemplary operational method addressing urban-territorial challenges and revealing new economic growth potentials. IBA Parkstad can be seen as an example of the way cross-border collaboration contributes to a better understanding of the potential of cities in realising a new, vital urban economy and a socially, ecologically and spatially sustainable region.

In the perspective of the adoption of the Pact of Amsterdam on 30 May 2016, it was a very useful exchange on the first results of the project as well as on how civil society can be more involved in the planning and implementation process of the development of their urban environment.