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  • Pieņemtie on 10/07/2024 - Bureau decision date: 19/03/2024
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
    Download — EESC opinion: Traineeship Directive and a Reinforced Quality Framework for Traineeships
  • Pieņemtie on 30/05/2024 - Bureau decision date: 13/02/2024
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number

    According to Article 175 of the TFEU the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, every three years, on the progress towards achieving economic, social and territorial cohesion.

    The 9th report which covers the first period (2021-2023) of the programming period 2021-2027 will include a record of progress made towards achieving economic, social and territorial cohesion, including the socio-economic situation of regions as well as the integration of EU priorities. It will also include, where appropriate, an indication of future EU measures and policies necessary to strengthen cohesion, as well as to deliver EU priorities.

    Download — EESC opinion: Ninth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion
  • Pieņemtie on 25/04/2024 - Bureau decision date: 21/09/2023
    Plenary session number

    This opinion focuses on the reform and investment measures in the Member States, in particular those based on the Country-Specific Recommendations 2023, and their implementation, in order to assess the effectiveness of these measures and the possibilities for better targeting of proposals, improved implementation and the monitoring and involvement of organised civil society in the procedures. This opinion also looks at issues concerning the ongoing reform of the EU’s economic governance rules, the central objective of which is to strengthen public debt sustainability while promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in all Member States through reforms and investment. Moreover, the opinion continues the previous consultation exercises by examining the state of the implementation of the reforms and investments provided for in the national Recovery and Resilience Plans and which are financially supported by RRF funds.

    Download — EESC opinion: Reform and investment proposals and their implementation in the Member States – what is the opinion of organised civil society? (2023-2024 European Semester cycle)
  • Tiek izstrādāti (updated on 19/07/2024) - Bureau decision date: 15/02/2024
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
  • Tiek izstrādāti (updated on 05/03/2024) - Bureau decision date: 18/01/2024
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
  • Tiek izstrādāti (updated on 30/05/2024) - Bureau decision date: 18/01/2024
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    The need for open and transparent budgetary processes has never been more critical. The multiannual financial framework (MFF) emerges as a crucial tool for aligning financial resources with the Union's long-term priorities. The EESC has highlighted significant gaps in the current MFF, including its limited scope in addressing contemporary challenges such as Europe's aging population and strained budgets due to inflation.

    The EESC therefore explores a paradigm shift towards Open budgets in the EU –a framework that encompasses not only participatory budgeting but a broader spectrum of fiscal transparency and citizen engagement across all stages of the budget cycle. This approach is aimed at enhancing the responsiveness and effectiveness of EU budget allocations, thereby fostering a more resilient, inclusive, and democratic European economy.

  • Pieņemtie on 13/12/2023 - Bureau decision date: 25/01/2023
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
    Download — EESC opinion: The role of youth in rural development
  • Pieņemtie on 13/12/2023 - Bureau decision date: 25/01/2023
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    One of the main conclusions of the 8th Cohesion Report is that although cohesion and convergence among regions in the European Union has improved, there are still remaining gaps especially in less developed regions related with their territorial characteristics. EU islands, mountain areas and sparsely populated areas still face many challenges on their growth and income and disparities exist.

    In these regions, there are still a lot of gaps in terms of employment and investment, social exclusion is evident and gender disparities have not diminished.

    Download — EESC opinion: Main challenges faced by EU islands, and mountainous and sparsely populated areas
  • Pieņemtie on 15/06/2023 - Bureau decision date: 13/12/2022
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    The EESC underlines the importance of having accurate, up-to-date data in order to monitor and evaluate the impact of policies on youth and to define good practices which address young people. It believes that the EU Youth Dialogue should be strengthened, involve bodies representing young people meaningfully throughout the policymaking process and take into account the new ways in which young people engage, debate and mobilise. More support should be dedicated to building the capacity of the social partners, particularly among young members, with a view to social dialogue and collective bargaining.

    Download — EESC opinion: Cooperation on youth
  • Pieņemtie on 15/06/2023 - Bureau decision date: 20/01/2022
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    This own-initiative opinion highlights the importance of equal treatment of young people in the labour market. It covers key aspects such as access to jobs, education-to-work transition, traineeships and internships, minimum wages, skills, social security, mental health and well-being. The EESC provides recommendations to promote and ensure equal treatment of young people in the labour market while supporting their economic activity through entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation.



    Download — EESC opinion: The Equal Treatment of Young People in the Labour Market