Parlament Europejski

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  • Przyjęte on 18/09/2020 - Bureau decision date: 02/04/2020
    (Czech Republic
    (Czech Republic

    The forthcoming Presidency of the Council of the EU (Germany), aims to conclude together with the other EU Member States the new Territorial Agenda of the European Union (TAEU) together with the revision of the urban development policy based on the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities and also to update the steps for further developing of the Urban Agenda for the EU. In this context, the Presidency has asked from EESC to provide an opinion on both territorial and urban matters and thus to incorporate the points of view of the diverse interests the EESC represents in the discussions. The Presidency plans to adopt the renewed Territorial and Urban Agenda at the informal ministerial meeting for urban and territorial development on 30 November and 1 December 2020 in Leipzig.

    EESC opinion: Revision of the Territorial Agenda of the EU, the Leipzig Charter and the Urban Agenda for the EU (Exploratory opinion at the request of the German presidency)
  • Przyjęte on 18/09/2020 - Bureau decision date: 02/04/2020
    Employers - GR I

    The forthcoming Presidency of the Council of the EU (Germany), aims to further discuss and analyze the policy objective 1 under the Common Provisions Regulation for cohesion policy that refers to '' a smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation''. In this context, the Presidency has asked the EESC to provide an opinion on how the structural measures and cohesion policy programmes can help in this process. The Presidency plans to present the key findings of this discussion in a High-level conference that will take place on 29th of September where also the opinion of EESC will be discussed. 

    EESC opinion: The role of EU structural and cohesion policy in driving forward the transformation of the economy in an innovative and smart manner (Exploratory opinion at the request of the German presidency)
  • Przyjęte on 18/09/2020 - Bureau decision date: 20/02/2020
    EESC opinion: The rule of law and its impact on economic growth
  • Przyjęte on 15/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 09/06/2020
    Employers - GR I
    EESC opinion: Recovery and Resilience Facility and Technical Support Instrument
  • Przyjęte on 15/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 09/06/2020

    The EESC strongly supports the Commission's proposal – Next Generation EU – as a specific tool for a quick and effective recovery.

    The EESC takes a very positive view of the Commission's two main decisions:

    1. to introduce an extraordinary financial recovery instrument as part of the multiannual financial framework
    2. to raise common debt, which will be repaid over a long period of time, and prevent the extraordinary financial burden from falling directly on the Member States in the short run.

    The EESC strongly welcomes the fact that the newly proposed instrument should be closely coordinated with the European Semester process, and furthermore welcomes the Commission's proposal to introduce additional genuine own resources based on different taxes (revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System, digital taxation, large companies' revenues).

    EESC opinion: Recovery plan for Europe and the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
  • Przyjęte on 15/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 20/02/2020
    Workers - GR II

    While the recovery after COVID-19 crisis is a top priority, the EESC stresses that this should not steer the EU away from its medium and long-term objectives, as outlined in the European Green Deal, 2020 Sustainable Growth Strategy, and the European Pillar for Social Rights. There is a need for a resilient, technology-driven European economy that is defined by the protection of the environment. The EESC underlines that strategies aimed at enhanced economic sustainability need to be developed around productivity, but they cannot be allowed to happen at the expense of workers' rights and social development. The EESC advocates for re-thinking supply chains, underlines that social aspects should be emphasised, start-ups should be encouraged and that the cornerstone of sustainable economic growth in the EU should be the creation and development of a truly circular economy. Open dialogue with social partners and civil society remains key to setting the economic direction.

    EESC opinion: Enhancing sustainable economic growth across the EU
  • Przyjęte on 10/06/2020 - Bureau decision date: 14/05/2020
    Workers - GR II
    EESC opinion: Postponement of taxation rules due to the COVID-19 crisis
  • Przyjęte on 10/06/2020 - Bureau decision date: 30/04/2020
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    EESC opinion: Covid-19 crisis response - adjustments in banking prudential rules
  • Przyjęte on 10/06/2020 - Bureau decision date: 21/01/2020
    (Czech Republic
    EESC opinion: Just Transition Fund and amendments to the Common Provisions Regulation
  • Przyjęte on 04/06/2020 - Bureau decision date: 04/06/2020


      EESC opinion: REACT-EU