Ekonomija ċirkolari

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It-tranżizzjoni lejn Ekonomija Ċirkolari hija prijorità ewlenija fl-aġenda tal-KESE bħala soluzzjoni biex tiġi miġġielda l-kriżi klimatika u tiġi protetta l-pjaneta tagħna. Hija opportunità kbira għas-soċjetà ċivili peress li tista’ tgħin biex:

  • tiżdied il-kompetittività tal-industrija Ewropea;
  • jiġi promoss it-tkabbir ekonomiku sostenibbli;
  • jinħolqu impjiegi ġodda.

Il-mudell “take-make-waste” tal-produzzjoni u l-konsum li għadu jiddomina l-ekonomija tagħna llum mhux biss qed jilħaq il-qofol tiegħu f’riżorsi moħlija, iżda wkoll qed idgħajjef il-ġlieda kontra t-tibdil fil-klima. Għall-kuntrarju tal-ekonomija lineari, Ekonomija Ċirkolari hija disinn riġenerattiv u restorattiv li jiffoka fuq il-ħolqien u ż-żamma tal-valur ekonomiku, filwaqt li jindirizza l-isfidi ambjentali globali bħat-tibdil fil-klima, it-telf tal-bijodiversità u t-tniġġis filwaqt li jrendi benefiċċji ekonomiċi.

L-aħbar it-tajba hija li t-tranżizzjoni ċirkolari diġà qed isseħħ fil-prattika. Il-partijiet ikkonċernati mis-soċjetà ċivili inklużi n-negozji, it-trade unions, l-akkademja u l-komunitajiet tal-għarfien, l-organizzazzjonijiet taż-żgħażagħ kif ukoll l-NGOs u gruppi ta’ interess oħra qed joħolqu u jimplimentaw ħafna inizjattivi ċirkolari fil-livell lokali u reġjonali. Il-katalizzazzjoni ta’ soluzzjonijiet ċirkolari u tat-tmexxija mill-partijiet ikkonċernati rilevanti hija l-aħjar opportunità tal-Ewropa biex taċċellera t-tranżizzjoni lejn Ekonomija Ċirkolari.

Bħala tali, il-Pjattaforma Ewropea tal-Partijiet Interessati tal-Ekonomija Ċirkolari, inizjattiva konġunta tal-KESE u tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea, hija pjattaforma stabbilita fl-2017 biex tlaqqa’ flimkien il-komunità tal-Ekonomija Ċirkolari fl-Ewropa. Il-pjattaforma mmexxija mill-partijiet ikkonċernati tappoġġja t-tranżizzjoni tal-Ewropa lejn Ekonomija Ċirkolari billi trawwem id-djalogu, tikkondividi l-għarfien u taqsam l-aħjar prattiki.

  • In March 2017, the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) launched a joint European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP). The platform’s 24-member coordination group has now been chosen and the list of participants published.

  • Debate

    The EESC is convinced that islands, mountainous regions and sparsely populated areas face significant challenges and that there is a solid legal basis that obliges the EU to take action in order to tackle these challenges. In this context, the organised civil society has an important role to play and through this debate, the aim is to find the best practices and solutions so that these regions can perform better and recover from the multiple crises. Therefore the EESC- ECO section has decided to organise this public debate in the framework of the EESC own-intiative opinion on "Main challenges that EU islands, mountain and sparsely populated areas face.

  • Insularity is considered to be a permanent and unchangeable geographical feature which involves additional costs (transport, energy, waste management, public services, necessity goods and services) that hamper the development and competitiveness of the islands, while particularly exposing them to biodiversity loss and climate change. The organised civil society has an important role to play and tackle all these challenges and through this debate. The aim is to find the best practices and solutions so that EU islands can preform better and recover from the multiple crises.

  • How can these regions become drivers for growth and development?

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will be producing an own-initiative opinion on the main challenges faced by EU islands and mountainous and sparsely populated areas, which is scheduled for adoption at the EESC's September plenary session. In this context, the EESC, along with the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) and the North Sweden European Office (NSEO), will be holding a public hearing in Umeå (Sweden) on 4 May 2023 entitled "Challenges and opportunities that the digital and energy transitions present to the northern sparsely populated areas and islands. How can these regions become drivers for growth and development?". The hearing is an event under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • An economically sustainable Europe

    With this debate, the ECO section is providing ex-ante input to the European Commission, in preparation for the upcoming 2023 strategic foresight cycle that wants to shed light on the strategic decisions needed to ensure a socially and economically sustainable Europe with a stronger role in the world in the coming decades.

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    Recovery, Open Strategic Autonomy and Resilience

    On 27 and 28 February 2023, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Commission will host the 2023 European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference in hybrid mode. The sixth Conference will bring together Europe's biggest circular economy stakeholders to focus on the role of the circular economy in driving sustainable recoveryopen strategic autonomy and resilience.

  • This interactive conference with experts in circular economy competences and youth, policy-makers, academics and business representatives will explore the outputs from the CESCY project.

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    On 1 and 2 March 2022, this annual conference will bring together Europe's largest network of stakeholders in the Circular Economy. The focus this year is on the path to a new normal: "sustainable products for sustainable consumption."

  • Digitalisation and Sustainability: practical recommendations from European civil society | 25/11/2020
    NAT/SDO online conference organized jointly with the German Council Presidency

    The conference will explore the role of European Civil Society in using digitalization in a way that it enables and drives sustainability to support the European Green Deal and the EU sustainable recovery. 

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    The annual Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference, jointly organised by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee, is an opportunity for stakeholders to meet, nurture their networks, share ideas and learn about the new EU policy developments on circular economy. The 2020 edition will be digital with a focus on renewal as we emerge from the COVID pandemic. 
