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  • The condition of the European economy, completing the Single Market, trade and Brexit – these are the top issues for European employers' organisations in the forthcoming months. On 29 March 2017, the Directors-General and Secretaries-General of BusinessEurope, EuroCommerce and Copa-Cogega presented their priorities and debated with the members of the EESC Employers' Group.

  • Reference number

    The European Economic and Social Committee held a debate today on the state of the European economy and the prospects for deepening the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) with Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs. The EESC members sent through Commissioner Moscovici a clear message to the upcoming Eurogroup, Ecofin and European Council meetings that the European citizens and economic actors urgently need to see a sense of ownership and direction by the European leadership – notably when discussing the missing blocks of a genuine EMU. The EU integration process and the euro can ...

  • Officious transposition of the EU law at the national level undermines Single Market, increases costs and hinders development. Numerous governments of Member States use transposition process as an opportunity to address domestic political issues which results with "goldplating". This unfavorable tendency has negative impact on business and should be avoided by all possible means. Good regulation, consistent and stable legal framework, both at the national and the European level is what business counts on - these are some of the conclusions of the conference "Transposition of the European law – the key challenge to business activity", that took place on 6 December 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia.

  • The exploratory opinion on the Regulatory Fitness and Performance Program (REFIT) (Rapporteur:  Mr. Denis Meynent), was adopted by the EESC at its plenary on 26 May 2016. This opinion follows a direct request from the First Vice President of the European Commission, Mr Timmermans, as the EESC is considered to be well-placed to assess the costs and benefits of the current rules for stakeholders and to suggest REFIT priorities - in particular in the ...

  • The EESC organised a public hearing in the process of drafting its opinion (INT/1039) on the Commission's 2023 Strategic Foresight Report (SFR) focusing on 'Sustainability and people's wellbeing at the hearth of Europe's Open Strategic Autonomy"

  • This public hearing is being organised as part of the preparation of the exploratory opinion ECO/630 on "Boosting long-term inclusive growth through reforms and investment" requested by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. It focuses on how to foster upwards social convergence and cohesion, in an economic governance framework defined around debt sustainability, productive investments and reforms. It also looks at the implications of such a framework for the European Semester and the strengthening of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

  • Consumer Summit 2018
    Consumer Summit 2018

    As a follow-up to the Consumer Dialogues, "Les Assises des Consommateurs" (the 2018 Consumer Summit) showcased the results of this outreach and offered the opportunity for debate and conclusions.

  • Better regulation for consumers?

    The 18th edition of the European Consumer Day was held in Brussels on 10 March 2016.

    We discussed the Better Regulation initiative, what should be taken into account by the Commission and other institutions in implementing this new strategy and how to make sure that consumers do not lose out.

  • Published in
    20 pages

    Call for an EU Blue Deal - Event highlights - 26 October 2023

  • Published in
    83 pages

    Study of the EESC Employers' Group together with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) – final report