Collaborative or participatory consumption: a sustainable model for the 21st century

Download — EESC opinion: Collaborative or participatory consumption: a sustainable model for the 21st century

Key points

Collaborative consumption can meet social needs in situations where there is no commercial interest and it can help, as a for-profit activity, to create jobs, while complying with the rules on taxation, safety, liability, consumer protection and other essential rules.

The EESC invites the European Commission to address the issue of collaborative consumption in its work programme and to:

  • compile the basic rights and principles already enshrined in EU law to protect the public;
  • draw up the relevant studies, identifying any potential barriers to the operation of these activities and any problems that would need to be solved;
  • set up a database containing exchanges of experiences and best practices in collaborative consumption and make it accessible to all consumers;
  • organise awareness-raising and information campaigns on these forms of consumption;
  • endeavour, on the basis of the experience gained, to harmonise legislation on cross-border issues and those bringing European added value to the matter.

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