Works to secure the perimeter of the Bertha von Suttner (BvS) building and of other buildings of the Committees

The Committee of the Regions (CoR) is planning to sign a framework contract for works to secure the perimeter of the Bertha von Suttner building (rue Montoyer 92-102, Brussels), as well as to undertake other works related to the security of the Committees' buildings[1]. The planned activities comprise demolition, stabilisation, structural, finishing and specialised technical work, as well as the supply and installation of high-security equipment (single-person revolving doors, access controls, security checkpoints, high-performance glazing and structures).

The European Economic and Social Committee is also taking part in this call for tender procedure as an associated institution.

The contract will be awarded to the tender offering the lowest price.


  • to be able to submit a tender, companies must be certified as a business in category D, or equivalent corresponding to the term "general construction firms" ("Entreprises générales de bâtiments") according to the classification system used by the Belgian FPS (Federal Public Service) "Economy, S.M.E.s, Self-employed and Energy"[2];
  • an on-site visit/information session will be organised before the deadline for submission of tenders. Companies are required to attend this site visit/information meeting in order to be able to submit a tender;
  • For this framework contract for work, the site manager and the general foreman will have to have a good command of French in order to ensure that the work is carried out properly.

Firms that have expressed interest in this contract will receive the documentation required to submit a tender.

[1]           Nature and quantity still to be defined, depending on the Committees' buildings and security strategy.


Any expressions of interest in this contract,  should be sent by email, including the full official name of the company, its business name, a brief description of its activities, its full address and its VAT registration number, to:


Wednesday, August 8, 2018 - 23:59