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Odnosi između EU-a i njegovih južnih susjeda jedan su od naših prioriteta. Naš rad obuhvaća širok raspon područja, kao što je sudjelovanje civilnog društva u političkom i građanskom dijalogu, demokratska tranzicija, zapošljavanje mladih, održivi razvoj, mobilnost i migracija, trgovina, energija iz obnovljivih izvora i razvoj poslovanja.

EGSO radi na tim temama od 1995. godine. Nakon promjena u regiji 2010. godine prilagodili smo svoje ciljeve na odgovarajući način kako bismo:

  • pružali potporu organizacijama civilnog društva u zemljama u tranziciji. Takva je potpora osobito usmjerena na sindikate i organizacije poslodavaca te udruge žena, mladih i poljoprivrednika;
  • održavali bilateralne odnose s nacionalnim gospodarskim i socijalnim vijećima u regiji te radili na stvaranju uvjeta za uključivanje civilnog društva u politički dijalog u južnim partnerskim zemljama;
  • izrađivali mišljenja i/ili zajednička izvješća o ključnim političkim izazovima s kojima se regija suočava;
  • održavali redovite sastanke s europskim institucijama i međunarodnim organizacijama na kojima se raspravlja o politikama u vezi s civilnim društvom diljem regije;
  • organizirali godišnji sastanak na vrhu gospodarskih i socijalnih vijeća te sličnih institucija na kojemu se tvorcima politika iz nacionalnih vlada i EU-a predstavljaju ključne političke preporuke o glavnim izazovima u regiji.
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    Euromed Summit 2021

    The Euromed Summit has been regrettably postponed to 2022 due to new Covid19 variant & suspension of all international flights to Morocco.
    We thank ALL participants/speakers/support teams for their efforts & understanding. New date will be announced once set!

  • Joint meeting REX and ECO Sections

    Macro-regional recovery and resilience initiatives - Joint meeting of REX and ECO Sections.

    The purpose of this meeting is to explore how macro-regional strategies contribute to the recovery and resilience of their regions. The meeting will look at how management authorities of the strategies were actually involved in the preparation of the national recovery plans, which projects have been included, how civil society organisations were part of the process. The afternoon session will be dedicated to the idea of a new macro-regional strategy for the whole Mediterranean region encompassing the countries of the Southern Neighbourhood.

  • Euromed Summit 2020

    The Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions aims at promoting greater understanding of the main issues affecting organised civil society in the Euromed region and at discussing the common challenges they face.

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    The Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions aims at promoting greater understanding of the main issues affecting organised civil society in the Euromed region and at discussing the common challenges they face

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    Euromed Summit 2018

    The Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions aims at promoting greater understanding of the main issues affecting organised civil society in the Euromed region and at discussing the common challenges they face. The Summit brings together aound 120 participants from economic and social councils, or similar institutions, representatives of employers, trade unions, other economic and social interests groups and NGOs from countries which are members of the Union for the Mediterranean (UFM). This year, the exchange will focus on the following topics:

    • Education and Training in the Euro-Mediterranean region
    • Social Economy and entrepreneurship in the Euro Mediterranean region

    The meeting will conclude with the adoption of recommendations that will be sent to the political authorities of the countries involved in the UFM Ministerial Summits and disseminated widely amongst civil society organisations in the region.

    This year's event is co-organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Training Foundation  (ETF). The event is co-financed by the European Commission.

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    The Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions bring together some 120 participants from a range of economic and social councils, or similar institutions, representatives of employers, trade unions, other economic and social interests groups and NGOs from countries which are members of the Union for the Mediterranean.

    This year, the Summit will focus on :

    • Economic, Social and Cultural rights in the Mediterranean region
    • A Social protection floor in the Euromediterrean Area
    • A new generation of women's rights

    It will conclude with the adoption of a final declaration that will be sent to the political authorities of the countries involved in the Euromed Ministerial Summits as civil society's contribution to their work, and disseminated widely amongst civil society organisations in the region.

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    The Euromed Summit brings together some 120 participants from a range of economic and social councils, or similar institutions, representatives of employers, trade unions, other economic and social interests groups and NGOs from countries which are members of the Union for the Mediterranean.

    This year, the exchange will focus on the following topics:
    • Promotion of legal migration
    • Women participation in labour force and women's entrepreneurship
    • Organised civil society and climate change in the view of the COP22
    • The coordination of social protection systems

    As on previous occasions, the meeting will conclude with the adoption of a final declaration.

  • Published in
    8 pages

    The External Relations Section (REX) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is responsible for dialogue between European civil society organisations and their homologues from the countries with which the European Union has formal relations (e.g. under the form of a Free Trade Agreement). Through this dialogue, made possible by a series of bilateral bodies, and through specialized opinions and information reports, the Committee is able to concretely contribute to EU foreign policy.

  • Speaker
    EESC President Oliver Röpke
    European Economic and Social Committee

    On 5 July President Röpke participated in the 2023 Euromed Summit organised in cooperation with the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat, the Anna Lindh Foundation and Bibliotheca Alexandrina. This year's summit focused on water scarcity and desertification as well as on digital and energy transitions in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

    Oliver Röpke's speech at the 2023 Euromed summit
    Oliver Röpke's speech at the 2023 Euromed summit
  • Latest update
    Consolidating the EU-Civil Protection