Ġirien tal-Lvant

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L-attivitajiet tal-KESE li jikkonċernaw il-Ġirien tal-Lvant jinvolvu l-Armenja, l-Azerbajġan, il-Belarussja, il-Ġeorġja, il-Moldova u l-Ukrajna. L-għan ewlieni tal-KESE fir-rigward tal-Ġirien tal-Ewropa tal-Lvant huwa li jsaħħaħ ir-relazzjonijiet mal-organizzazzjonijiet tas-soċjetà ċivili fir-reġjun u li jinvolvihom fi djalogu kemm ma’ dawk li jfasslu l-politika nazzjonali kif ukoll mas-soċjetà ċivili organizzata tal-UE.

Il-mekkaniżmi ta’ kooperazzjoni ewlenin mal-Georgia, il-Moldova u l-Ukrajna huma l-Pjattaformi tas-Soċjetà Ċivili li jikkomplementaw il-korpi politiċi eżistenti fi ħdan il-qafas tal-Ftehimiet ta’ Assoċjazzjoni tal-UE ma’ dawn il-pajjiżi. Il-Pjattaformi jippermettu lill-organizzazzjonijiet tas-soċjetà ċivili kemm tal-UE kif ukoll tal-pajjiż imsieħeb biex jimmonitorjaw il-proċess ta’ implimentazzjoni u jħejju r-rakkomandazzjonijiet tagħhom lill-awtoritajiet rilevanti.

Min-naħa tal-UE, dawn il-Pjattaformi jinkludi membri tal-KESE kif ukoll rappreżentanti tan-networks Ewropej kbar tas-soċjetà ċivili. Min-naħa tal-pajjiżi msieħba, dawn jirrappreżentaw firxa wiesgħa ta’ organizzazzjonijiet tas-soċjetà ċivili. Is-sħubija tal-Pjattaformi hija bbażata fuq rappreżentazzjoni bbilanċjata tal-gruppi interessati kollha (l-organizzazzjonijiet ta’ min iħaddem, it-trade unions u gruppi ta’ interessi varji).

Fi ħdan il-KESE, il-Kumitat ta’ Segwitu Ġirien tal-Lvant ġie stabbilit fl-2004 bħala korp dedikat tal-KESE responsabbli għar-relazzjonijiet mas-soċjetà ċivili fil-pajjiżi tal-Viċinat tal-Lvant. Il-Kumitat ta’ Segwitu normalment jiltaqa’ erba’ darbiet fis-sena u l-membri tiegħu jieħdu sehem attiv fl-attivitajiet tas-Sħubija tal-Lvant, bħalma huma l-pjattaformi multilaterali tas-Sħubija tal-Lvant u l-Forum tas-Soċjetà Ċivili tas-Sħubija tal-Lvant.

  • Representatives of the two Domestic Advisory Groups (DAG) from the EU and Moldova, established under Chapter 13 on Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union, held a joint meeting in Chisinau, Moldova, on 17 October 2017.

  • The 3rd meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group under the EU-Ukraine DCFTA took place on 6 April 2018 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • The 4th meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group under the EU-Ukraine DCFTA took place on 27 June 2018 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • The 5th meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group under the EU-Ukraine DCFTA took place on 29 October 2018 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • The 6th meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group under the EU-Ukraine DCFTA took place on 27 Jun 2019 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • The 5th meeting of the EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform took place on 23 May 2019 in Brussels. During the meeting, a debate was held assessing the state of play of the implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement. Reports on public integrity framework in Moldova were discussed. Platform members also had a look at the update of past declarations adopted by the CSP, more specifically through a progress report on the implementation status of the DCFTA with Moldova and a debate on Dniester Water Management.

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    The 7th meeting of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform took place on 3-5 April 2019 in Lviv in Ukraine. During the meeting, a debate was held assessing the state of play of the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. And two reports, prepared by both sides, on the rights of trade unions and employees and on ensuring food security were discussed.

  • Representatives of the European and Georgian Domestic Advisory Groups (DAGs), set up under the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Georgia, held their fourth joint meeting in Brussels on 26 March 2019. The participants followed-up on the implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter of the Association Agreement.

  • The 5th meeting of the EU-Georgia Domestic Advisory Group took place on 18 March 2019 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • 9.30-17.30

    The Civil Society Platform complements the political bodies existing within the framework of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement, and it allows civil society organisations from both sides to monitor the implementation process and prepare their recommendations to the relevant authorities both in Georgia as well as in the European Union. At the fourth meeting, the Members of the Platform discussed the state of play of the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement and adopted reports on energy efficiency in Georgia and on climate change in Georgia.