Bolja regulativa

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    Call for an EU Blue Deal - Event highlights - 26 October 2023

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    Study of the EESC Employers' Group together with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) – final report

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    To enable businesses to perform this role, the EU must provide conditions that make European businesses more competitive, encourage entrepreneurship and ensure favourable conditions for them to innovate, invest, operate and trade. This calls for a business environment that helps prepare for the future, is based on open markets and fair competition and provides enabling and supportive conditions for doing business

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    This publication presents the priorities of the Employers' Group for 2019. The EU is facing exceptional economic and political challenges. At the same time rapid development of revolutionaly technologies, demographic changes and transition towards a low carbon and circular economy are transforming our societies.

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    Quality legislation - which meets clear policy objectives, balances relevant interests, is well-drafted and coherent,  and as simple, easy to understand and implement as possible - is essential for any well-functioning society and for a strong democracy. As trade unionists, workers and citizens we know the pivotal role that legislation plays in guaranteeing our rights and freedoms, including providing the opportunity for redress when they are infringed either by employers, enterprises or the State.

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    224 pages

    SMEs are the backbone of the EU economy and have been placed in the focus of European policy following the adoption of the Small Business Act in 2008. This study makes a comprehensive overview of EU support initiatives for SMEs in the period 2007-2015 with the aim to assess the effectiveness of EU SME policies – both in terms of their formulation and implementation.

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    The publication is a summary of the conference "Does the EU encourage private sector investment" that took place on 11 May 2017 in Valletta, Malta. The conference was jointly organised by the Employers' Group of the European Economic and Social Committee and all major Maltese employers' organisations: Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, Malta Employers' Association (MEA), Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) and Malta Chamber of SMEs (GRTU).

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    36 pages

    This integrated report assembles inputs from the national Economic and Social Councils (and the Liaison Group, an NGO umbrella organisation) and gives an overview of the involvement of organised civil society in the European Semester, highlighting the different ways in which organised civil society interacts with governments in the framework of the European Semester. The purpose is to make the Semester more democratic and more efficient, by identifying problem areas and disseminating best practices across the entire European Union.

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    54 pages

    "Achieving sustainable growth in a competitive world is challenging. The challenge is even greater for the European Union, as the Old Continent faces a severe competitiveness deficit.  Without entering into a health review, that could be delivered at a further stage, of each of the 28 Member States, the ambition of this study is to draw-up a comprehensive picture of EU economic growth.

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    78 pages

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential for governance improvements in the internal market with a view to removing bureaucratic hurdles for business. Its conclusion is that the European Commission, although active in cutting red tape in EU legislation, is not intervening yet in the case of gold-plating, which is over-compliance at the national/regional/local level. A key problem with gold-plating is precisely its tendency to overlap across multiple layers of competence. Gold-plating does happen and in certain cases undermines European competitiveness.