
  • On 3 May 2016 Prof. Jo Coenen, Curating Director of IBA Parkstad invited Mr van Iersel, ECO Section President, Mr Palmieri, president, and Mr Haken, rapporteur of the EESC opinion on the Future of the EU Urban Agenda, to visit IBA Parkstad in Heerlen, Netherlands.

    IBA (Internationale Bau Ausstellung) Parkstad represents a remarkable illustration of the European Urban Agenda objectives, a process the EESC fully supports, to develop an exemplary operational method addressing urban-territorial challenges and revealing new economic growth potentials. IBA Parkstad can be seen as an example of the way cross-border collaboration contributes to a better understanding of the potential of cities in realising a new, vital urban economy and a socially, ecologically and spatially sustainable region.


  • Georges Dassis will be going to Nicosia on 5 and 6 May for his first official visit to Cyprus since being elected president of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the EU institution representing European civil society, in October 2015.

  • ©shutterstock/ Pressmaster

    Can European trade and investment policy promote sustainable development and social justice at home and abroad? 

    Setting out its positive agenda for business while insisting on the importance of promoting European values, the European Commission’s new ‘Trade for all’ Communication is a timely update on EU trade and investment policy, according to a recently published opinion by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

  • ©shutterstock/Maxx-Studio

    The Digital Contract Rights opinion (Rapporteur: Mr Pegado Liz, Various Interests Group) was adopted by the European Economic and Social Committee at its plenary session on 27 April 2016.

    The opinion addresses the European Commission legislative proposals on the supply of digital content, and on online sales of goods, both envisaged as a package with common objectives, within the context of the Digital Single Market Strategy.

  • Following up on its work on refugees and migration, the EESC is hosting 27th April – 20th May an exhibition by Giles Duley, the internationally recognised photojournalist and former war correspondent, which portrays the stories of the many men, women and children who are crossing the Mediterranean sea and arriving on the Greek island of Lesvos.

  • Following up on its work on refugees and migration, the EESC is hosting 27th April – 20th May an exhibition by Giles Duley, the internationally recognised photojournalist and former war correspondent, which portrays the stories of the many men, women and children who are crossing the Mediterranean sea and arriving on the Greek island of Lesvos. Giles Duley is a British documentary photographer and ...

  • In January, the European Commission presented a new legislative package to combat aggressive tax planning. The package aims to establish a transparent model of cross-border taxation which tackles tax avoidance.

  • The drafting of an exploratory opinion on fairer labour mobility within the EU at the request of the Netherlands Presidency comes against a background of serious threats to the freedom of movement of workers and, in general, all persons in the EU.

  • Waning resources on the one side and growing mountains of waste on the other side are calling for a rethink of the way we live today, and, in particular the way how we manufacture, use, and deposit our products. We need to switch from a linear "extract-transform-use-throw-away" economy to a circular economy, i.e. an industrial economy which not only avoids waste and pollution but reuses, repairs, remanufactures and recycles. In its opinion on the "Circular Economy Package" ...

  • During his visit to Lithuania on April 21st and 22nd, the President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Georges Dassis, focused on issues of labour mobility, the posting of workers as well as the social aspects of the single market.