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    CESE a organizat, în sesiune plenară, o dezbatere privind importanța tot mai mare a societății civile organizate și a orașelor în asigurarea capacității Europei de a face față șocurilor asimetrice și crizelor neprevăzute. Schimbul de opinii a fost legat de adoptarea a două avize, unul privind Asistență flexibilă pentru teritorii (FAST-CARE), iar celălalt privind Acordul de la Ljubljana privind Agenda urbană a UE. Comitetul salută ambele inițiative, dar consideră că acestea nu propun soluții suficiente pentru capacitarea și implicarea corespunzătoare a societății civile organizate în eforturile de asigurare a rezilienței europene. O măsură esențială propusă de CESE este crearea unui fond UE separat pentru reconstrucția și dezvoltarea Ucrainei, care să completeze eforturile depuse de statele membre.

  • In its resolution on the involvement of organised civil society in the implementation and monitoring of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) the European Economic and Social Committee calls for clear rules to effectively involve social partners and civil society organisations in the Member states' strategies to bring the economy back on track.

  • At a conference, organised by the Diversity Europe Group of the EESC in partnership with Civil Society Europe and with the support of the EESC's Liaison Group and Associational Life Category, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and their umbrella organisations reiterated their call for an EU Civil Society Strategy and a European Statute for Associations. Appropriate follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe and a regular and structured dialogue with CSOs were considered key aspects to rebuilding citizens' trust in politics and strengthening European democracy.

  • Conference on 'Civil society organisations: Key actors for the future of Europe', organised by the Diversity Europe Group in partnership with Civil Society Europe and with the support of the EESC's Liaison Group and Associational Life Category

  • At its plenary session on 18 July, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted a debate with Conny Reuter, co-chair of the EESC's Liaison Group with European civil society organisations and networks.

  • Public debate The EESC's EU Youth Test and its implementation in opinions of the ECO section, organised during the ECO section meeting.

  • Registration is now closed. We invite you to follow live via webstreaming.

  • Registration for this event is now closed. You can follow via live webstreaming.