Regno Unito

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Il 24 dicembre 2020, al termine di un negoziato lungo e complesso, l'Unione europea e il Regno Unito hanno raggiunto un accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione. A partire dal 1º gennaio del 2021 tale accordo è stato applicato in via provvisoria fino al completamento del processo di ratifica da parte del Consiglio e del Parlamento europeo. Come altri accordi di libero scambio stipulati di recente, anche l'accordo tra l'UE e il Regno Unito contiene disposizioni specifiche in materia di dialogo con la società civile. In quanto attore chiave di tale dialogo, il CESE ha quindi deciso in merito alle proprie strutture intese a promuovere le relazioni con il Regno Unito e la sua società civile (imprese, sindacati e altre organizzazioni), nonché in merito all'organo incaricato di monitorare l'attuazione dell'accordo.

Questo nuovo assetto, adeguato alla luce non solo dell'accordo concluso e delle nuove relazioni UE-Regno Unito, ma anche dei recenti sviluppi istituzionali in seno alla Commissione europea, prevede:

  • il comitato di monitoraggio UE-Regno Unito, successore politico del gruppo di monitoraggio Brexit e organo del CESE per il quale il Comitato potrà stabilire il proprio ordine del giorno e le proprie priorità, al fine di rispondere alle esigenze della nuova realtà;
  • il gruppo consultivo interno Regno Unito nel quadro dell'accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione tra UE e Regno Unito, pilastro istituzionale della società civile per quanto concerne le relazioni commerciali tra le due parti.

Ora che le future relazioni tra i due partner sono state inquadrate in un accordo di partenariato di tale importanza e portata, il CESE è impegnato a svolgere il proprio ruolo per ottimizzare il potenziale di tale accordo, in particolare in relazione alla società civile del Regno Unito. Il CESE è determinato a mantenere stretti contatti con la società civile del Regno Unito dopo la Brexit, a incoraggiare il dialogo e gli scambi e a coinvolgere le organizzazioni della società civile nel processo decisionale sociale, garantendo in tal modo la tutela dei forti legami economici, sociali e politici creatisi nel corso di oltre mezzo secolo di appartenenza del Regno Unito all'UE.

  • Adottati on 27/04/2023 - Bureau decision date: 21/03/2023
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    In accordance with the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and Directive 2001/83/EC as well as the Commission acts based on them, apply to and in the UK in respect of Northern Ireland.


    EESC opinion: Specific rules relating to medicinal products for human use intended to be placed on the market of Northern Ireland
  • Adottati on 27/04/2023 - Bureau decision date: 21/03/2023
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    In accordance with the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, a number of EU legislative acts concerning sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures apply to and in the UK in respect of Northern Ireland after the end of the transition period set out in the Withdrawal Agreement.

    Accordingly, the entry into Northern Ireland from other parts of the UK of certain consignments of products of animal or plant origin, including animal food, plants for planting, machinery and vehicles for agricultural or forestry purposes and seed potatoes falls within the scope of these acts and is subject to official controls, certification requirements and prohibitions. This also applies to non-commercial movements of certain pet animals.

    EESC opinion: Specific rules relating to the entry into Northern Ireland from other parts of the United Kingdom of certain consignments of goods
  • Adottati on 25/01/2023 - Bureau decision date: 22/09/2022
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    The general objective of the information report will be to feed into the political dialogue between the EU and UK and promote a joint reflection on their future relationship. More specifically, the information report will be transmitted to the relevant services in the European Commission, EEAS, European Parliament, and Council, as the EESC's contribution to addressing issues arising from the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement and Northern Ireland Protocol.

    Information report: The implementation of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, including the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland
  • Adottati on 17/10/2018 - Bureau decision date: 18/09/2018
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III



    EESC opinion: Ship inspection and survey organisations with regard to the United Kingdom's withdrawal proposal
  • In particular the EESC:

    • supports the adoption and early implementation of the proposed regulation, which ensures adequate sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards for a transparent, streamlined and safe supply of the market of Northern Ireland from other parts of the UK;
    • acknowledges the significant effort made to reconcile the facilitation of procedures, to safeguard the integrity of the EU internal market and the protection of public animal and plant health;
    • urges the Commission to further clarify and provide solutions for the areas of more apparent divergence between SPS standards in the UK and the EU;
  • In particular, the EESC: 

    • supports the adoption and early implementation of the proposed regulation, which would ensure continuity of supply of medicinal products for human use in Northern Ireland;
    • agrees that it is essential that the proposed regulation contains a provision enabling suspension of the specific rules by the Commission in the event of the UK's non-compliance;
    • encourages ongoing consultation with key stakeholders to help ensure timely implementation as well as monitoring for any future risks to the delivery of the objectives of the proposed regulation;


  • At its January plenary session, the EESC adopted an information report on the Implementation of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, including the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. The report shows that UK organised civil society is strongly in favour of a deeper and more constructive relationship with their EU counterparts and the EU as a whole. This could contribute to the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement and help maximise the potential of the EU-UK Trade Cooperation Agreement.

  • The 6th meeting of the EU DAG set up under the EU-UK TCA featured the participation of the UK DAG Chair, Mr. Sean McGuire, to discuss the recent Windsor Framework on Northern Ireland, the situation of both DAGs and future joint steps. A DG TRADE representative presented and discussed with members the technical aspects of Level Playing Field provisions.

  • -
    In the context of the reinforced follow-up of EESC Information Report

    Following the adoption of the EESC Information Report on the Implementation of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, the Committee is now promoting and giving it a reinforced follow-up using various communication channels, considering the relevance and the perfect timing of the subjects covered in the report.


  • The 5th meeting of the EU DAG set up under the EU-UK TCA was dedicated to the assessment of the first year of DAG work -including the recent EU-UK Civil Society Forum, to an update on the Trade Specialised Committees and to a structured discussion of selected issues and recommendations with a DG TRADE representative.