Press releases

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    The European Economic and Social Committee held a plenary debate on the role of finance and public recovery policies in promoting gender equality and the economic empowerment of women in the EU. The discussion was linked to the adoption of two opinions: one on a gender-based approach to budgeting and investing and the other on how Member States can improve the way in which the direct and indirect measures proposed in their Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) affect gender equality.

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    Durante la sessione plenaria di dicembre del Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) si è tenuto un dibattito sulla ricostruzione e la resilienza della regione euromediterranea a seguito della pandemia di COVID-19.

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    The EESC Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law Group held a public hearing on protecting women's sexual and reproductive health and rights. Participants in the debate called for free health services, access to contraception, more inclusive policies, and reproductive and sexual education. This debate was organised in collaboration with the EESC Equality Group as part of a series of EESC events following up on the European Parliament's Gender Equality Week initiative.

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    L'Associazione Agevolando è stata selezionata per l'edizione 2022 del Premio CESE per la società civile, che quest'anno viene assegnato in due categorie: responsabilizzare i giovani e aiutare le vittime della guerra in Ucraina. L'Associazione Agevolando concorre per il premio sui giovani, insieme a due progetti provenienti da Portogallo e Spagna. I tre finalisti per il premio sull'Ucraina arrivano da Romania, Polonia e Spagna.

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    The enormous challenges posed for Europe by Russia's aggression were the subject of the EESC's annual seminar for civil society communicators, entitled Geopolitical turmoil at Europe's door: the perspective of civil society, which took place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 24 and 25 October 2022.

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    Tougher legislation to combat greenwashing and built-in obsolescence along with expanded repair services and better product information can help consumers contribute to the green transition, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and European Commission leaders said during an event held on 17 November to commemorate European Consumer Day.

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    Alla riunione del Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) a Stoccolma, il sottosegretario di Stato svedese agli Affari europei Christian Danielsson ha illustrato gli orientamenti politici della prossima presidenza svedese del Consiglio dell'Unione europea.

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    Nella loro riunione annuale, il Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) e i consigli economici e sociali nazionali dell'UE hanno discusso dell'integrazione delle persone in fuga dalla guerra in Ucraina, dell'autonomia strategica aperta dell'UE e del rafforzamento del ruolo del CESE a seguito della Conferenza sul futuro dell'Europa.

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    Are you ready for our annual YEYS! event, where students from all over Europe have their say on their active citizenship in a participatory democracy? If yes, join us!

    Your Europe, Your Say! (YEYS!) will run its 14th edition this year, returning to in-person format after three years. It is called "Youth Democracy Dialogues", and will take place between 23 and 24 March 2023.

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    A few days ahead of the COP27 meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 to 18 November, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted a  resolution on ''Jointly tackling an existential threat: social partners and civil society for implementation of ambitious climate action'' at its October plenary. The message of the European organised civil society is clear: we need the EU institutions and the EU Member States to maintain their leadership role and step-up their climate ambition, regardless of what other regions do.