By Andrej Zorko (Workers' Group), rapporteur of the exploratory opinion on "Key components of sustainable quality work during and after recovery"

Quality of work is one of the fundamental components of quality of life. The principle of quality of work for quality of life must be followed at all stages, as this is a prerequisite for sustainable social development.

The EESC therefore firmly believes that it should be given special attention in EU policies, as it must prevent the risks of inequality, poverty, social exclusion, social dumping and unfair competition. In the EESC's view, economic and social recovery must go hand in hand.

The problems and challenges that exist should be addressed in the light of the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals. The ILO international standards of decent work should also be considered, along with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The EESC is aware of the diversity and multifaceted nature of the concept of sustainable quality work and also points out that it is made up of various components that directly or indirectly affect people's quality of life, workers' rights and workers' social security.

Ensuring fair, competitive conditions for the European economy, investing in innovation and development, preventing social dumping, encouraging job creation and promoting fair working conditions and appropriate incentives should be the key components of the European Union's and the Member States' strategies and can make a significant contribution to raising the quality of work.

In this line, effective social dialogue (both bipartite and tripartite) at EU and national level is crucial. We recommend capitalising on the traditional content of social dialogue to include other, more strategic content oriented towards sustainability and solutions. This would include, for example, anticipating the future needs of companies and workers with certain competencies and skills, joint activities for training workers, ensuring a fair transition to the digital and green economies, and regulating and developing balanced solutions for the work of platforms, as well as similar important development issues.

The EESC notes that the Recovery and Resilience Facility does not directly address the components of quality work, and therefore calls on the Commission to supplement this part of the facility. Vulnerable groups, such as precarious and young workers, who have been hit hardest by the epidemic, should not be overlooked.

In the end we can say that it is the responsibility of the Commission, the Member States and the European and national social partners to pay more attention to the issues of decent and quality work and to plan and implement measures to ensure sustainable quality work, together with all other relevant stakeholders.