Die Partnerschaft Europa-Mittelmeer

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Die Beziehungen zwischen der EU und ihren südlichen Nachbarstaaten zählen zu den Prioritäten des EWSA. Dessen Arbeit umfasst ein breites Spektrum von Bereichen, wie die Beteiligung der Zivilgesellschaft am politischen und zivilen Dialog, den demokratischen Übergang, Jugendarbeitslosigkeit, nachhaltige Entwicklung, Mobilität und Zuwanderung, Handel, erneuerbare Energien und Unternehmensentwicklung.

Der EWSA setzt sich seit 1995 mit diesen Themen auseinander. Nach den Veränderungen in der Region im Jahr 2010 wurde eine Anpassung der Zielsetzungen vorgenommen:

  • Unterstützung der organisierten Zivilgesellschaft in den Ländern, die sich im Übergangsprozess befinden, wobei sich diese Unterstützung insbesondere an Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberorganisationen sowie Frauen-, Jugend- und Landwirtschaftsverbände richtet;
  • Pflege bilateraler Beziehungen mit den nationalen Wirtschafts- und Sozialräten in der Region sowie Schaffung der erforderlichen Voraussetzungen für die Einbindung der Zivilgesellschaft in den politischen Dialog in den südlichen Partnerländern;
  • Erarbeitung von Stellungnahmen und gemeinsamen Berichten zu den zentralen politischen Herausforderungen in der Region;
  • Veranstaltung regelmäßiger Treffen mit EU-Institutionen und internationalen Organisationen, um die Politik in Bezug auf die Zivilgesellschaft in der Region zu erörtern;
  • Organisation eines jährlichen Gipfels der Wirtschafts- und Sozialräte und vergleichbaren Institutionen, auf dem Empfehlungen für wichtige Maßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit den größten Herausforderungen der Region an die politischen Entscheidungsträger der nationalen Regierungen und der EU ausgesprochen werden.
  • verabschiedet on 07/10/2015
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    This report is the result of the commitment of the EESC Euromed Follow-Up Committee to women issues in the region.

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is fully aware of the varying circumstances in different countries in the Mediterranean region. It is particularly aware of the conflict and instability affecting many southern Mediterranean countries. The EESC calls on the European Commission (EC) and governments of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region to develop shared solutions to these challenges – including poverty, economic challenges, conflict and terrorism – which are resulting in unacceptable suffering, especially among women.

    The central role that women play in the process of democratisation during transitional periods, when drafting national constitutions and when reforming current laws must be safeguarded and sustained through good governance in order to prevent setbacks in gender equality.

    Report on the situation of women in the Euro-Mediterranean region
  • verabschiedet on 23/06/2015
    Employers - GR I
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    The Neighbourhood policy is high on the agenda of the EESC's external relations priorities. This opinion will provide the contribution of the Committee to this consultation process as a first step, to be followed by a reaction to the Commission document that will be issued in the 2nd semester of 2015.


    EESC opinion: Towards a new European neighbourhood policy
  • verabschiedet on 13/02/2015
    Employers - GR I
    United Kingdom

    The Information report will explore the model and its success factors, and will provide recommendations for promoting its use in EU financial instruments supporting democracy and Human Rights, as well as for the EESC's structural relations with organised civil society in other countries in the region.

    The role of the EIDHR in democratic transition – Tunisia, a case study
  • verabschiedet on 21/01/2015
    Workers - GR II
    The post-2015 objectives in the Euro-Mediterranean region
  • verabschiedet on 09/10/2014
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The information report will seek to take a holistic approach to situation of young people in the north and south of the region, looking not just at the employment market but at wider trends amongst young people also outside of work, their self-perception, their political and social outlook on the future, their living arrangements, their view of their parents' generation and other older generations, as well as their view of the region and its role in a globalised world.

    The Economic and Social Situation of young people in the Euromed region
  • verabschiedet on 11/09/2014
    Workers - GR II

    The aim of the opinion is to call on the representatives of the European Community institutions and national government to take account of the key role of the social partners and organised civil society in providing European immigration policies with a social dimension and added value.


    European immigration policies
  • verabschiedet on 09/07/2014
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    The exploratory opinion is being drawn up at the request of the Greek Presidency of the European Union. Immigration-related issues remain a key challenge for the European Union and its Member States with a comprehensive and common strategy at EU level remaining elusive, in spite of the continued pressures that are being felt on the EU's borders.

    European Immigration policy and relationship with third countries
  • verabschiedet on 17/10/2013
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    The opinion will set out civil society's perspective on the dual challenge which EU Member States face in dealing with recent waves of immigrants and at the same time fulfilling - or in some cases failing to fulfil - their duty in guaranteeing immigrants' human rights, be it in detention or whilst on high seas. This issue is particularly topical since the European Commission and European Court of Justice are coming increasingly under pressure to act against Member States that fail to meet EU rules.

    Irregular immigration by sea in the Euro-Mediterranean region
  • verabschiedet on 19/09/2012
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
    Combating corruption in the southern Mediterranean
  • verabschiedet on 21/09/2011
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number
    This opinion is the EESC's key response to the events in the Euromed region. It provides a thorough analysis of the EU's past failings and the lessons which need to be drawn from them, the most urgent needs facing civil society in the current transition phase, and the longer term perspectives for civil society in the region. The opinion also responds to the two joint communications issued by the European Commission and EEAS on the EU's new Euromed policy, calling for close cooperation between the EU institutions in the region
    Civil society in the Euromed region