Press releases

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    Wenige Wochen vor der Abstimmung der Europäischen Kommission über eine Verlängerung der Glyphosat-Zulassung um zehn Jahre bot der Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss (EWSA) auf seiner Plenartagung am Mittwoch eine Gelegenheit, über dieses Thema zu diskutieren. David Schwartz von und Herman van Bekkem von Greenpeace waren eingeladen, um die Ziele der von ihnen angeregten Europäischen Bürgerinitiative (EBI) zu erläutern.

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    EWSA fordert EU-Kommission zu stärkerer Unterstützung der Zuckerindustrie auf

    Wenn die Produktionsquoten für Rübenzucker im Oktober 2017 auslaufen, wird die Zuckerindustrie der EU mit völlig neuen Bedingungen konfrontiert sein. Ob sie die neue Lage erfolgreich nutzen kann und von der Möglichkeit einer unbegrenzten Produktion für den Export und die Verwendung in Lebensmitteln profitiert, hängt in hohem Maße davon ab, wie die EU ihre Rübenzuckerverarbeiter und Zuckerrübenbauern unterstützt.

  • Concerns over the social costs and the financing of the energy transition ran through all panel discussions at the EESC's European Energy Dialogue, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels on 7 September. The event focused on the European Commission's proposed Clean Energy for All Europeans package as seen by a wide spectrum of civil society stakeholders debating with European institutions and market players.

  • Der EWSA schlägt Alarm und wirft der Kommission und den Mitgliedstaaten mangelnden politischen Willen vor. Angesichts eines von schweren Stürmen, Erdrutschen und anderen extremen Wetterereignissen gekennzeichneten Sommers schlägt der EWSA Alarm. Mehrere EWSA-Vorschläge für einen besseren Naturschutz stießen bislang bei der Kommission und den Mitgliedstaaten auf taube Ohren. "Wir fordern die Kommission und die Mitgliedstaaten erneut auf, die Biodiversitätsstrategie unverzüglich und konsequent umzusetzen, insbesondere die Vogelschutz- und Habitat-Richtlinie sowie die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, die einen erheblichen Beitrag zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt leisten“, betonte das deutsche EWSA-Mitglied Lutz Ribbe unter Verweis auf seine Stellungnahme zur „Biodiversitätspolitik der EU“.

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    Ongoing negotiations on enlargement, visa liberalisation, customs union can only progress in an atmosphere of respect of civil liberties, EU and turkey organisations say

    The 36th meeting of the EU-Turkey JCC took place at the EESC in Brussels on 18 and 19 July 2017. At the opening session EESC President Georges Dassis welcomed the ...

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    Creating a positive narrative for the EU, strengthening its economic foundations, fostering its social dimension, facilitating the transition towards a low-carbon and circular economy and empowering and involving Civil Society. These are the main messages of the contribution of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to the European Commission's 2018 Work Programme. The EESC calls on the Commission to adopt sustainable development as an overarching ...


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    The EESC held the 6th Western Balkans Civil Society Forum in Sarajevo on 10-11 July. Participants adopted a Final Declaration calling for increased media freedom, opening the doors of the Western Balkans to EU enlargement, the implementation of migration policies and increased employment opportunities, and working on women's rights. EESC President Georges Dassis opened the Forum by saying "The goal that everybody should strive for is a lasting peace among countries that went through terrible times not so long ago, and EU accession is there to anchor peace in their relations". He added: "European integration is...

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    "Brexit means uncertainty", said Michel Barnier at the outset of the debate with EESC members on 6 July, "uncertainty for citizens, businesses and jobs". He stressed his task was to negotiate on the basis of what the United Kingdom put on the table, which included no free movement for EU citizens, full autonomy of laws, no role for the European Court of Justice and the autonomy to sign free trade agreements. The latter involves leaving the customs union and the single market. But there was also one certainty...

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    Europe's rural regions vary within and between Member States.  It is important to be aware of these differences and to ensure that rural programmes and measures take into account the differences at EU and Member State level. In its own-initiative opinion From Cork 2.0 declaration to concrete action, the EESC calls for more targeted...

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    The successful experience of Estonia with E-government as well as questions concerning cybersecurity were discussed during the EESC conference on the “Future development of E-government in the EU” held in Tallinn. The EESC hosted a debate on the priorities of the incoming Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU which have as an overarching goal to improve the ...