Consumo sostenibile

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    The EESC Plenary today highlighted the importance of the collaborative economy and the functional economy as new business models for a more sustainable Europe. But it also called on the Commission to ensure that the collaborative economy does not increase job insecurity and the opportunity for tax avoidance. Nudge thinking is one way to achieve this. The Committee debated a number of key issues affecting Europe's future economic development with Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen. The EESC proposes the development of a new way to regulate and measure a new economy with different standards. The time has come for Europe to begin an economic transition from over-exploitation of ...

  • Transition to a circular economy is a must if we are to protect our planet, but also if we are to increase the competitiveness of European industry. This is a long-term process that will require numerous initiatives at European, national and regional level. Companies see the circular economy as an opportunity. "Going green" is beneficial not only for the environment, but also for businesses, providing real savings in terms of raw materials, water and energy. Apart from its environmental and economic benefits, the circular economy also has social advantages, providing new jobs and new business models. These are some of the conclusions emerging from the conference entitled "Sustainable industry in the Context of Circular Economy", which took place on 13 September in Kosice, Slovakia.

  • ©shutterstock/ tai11

    Globally, the volume of trade in the sharing economy is estimated at around EUR 17.8 billion, with rapid annual growth forecast until 2025. In response to a request from the Dutch presidency, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has issued an opinion on the sharing economy and self-regulation which calls on the EU to “urgently define a clear and transparent legal framework within which these activities should be developed and implemented in the European area”.

  • Waning resources on the one side and growing mountains of waste on the other side are calling for a rethink of the way we live today, and, in particular the way how we manufacture, use, and deposit our products. We need to switch from a linear "extract-transform-use-throw-away" economy to a circular economy, i.e. an industrial economy which not only avoids waste and pollution but reuses, repairs, remanufactures and recycles. In its opinion on the "Circular Economy Package" ...

  • The transport sector is vital to the EU’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and meet greenhouse gas emissions targets, which have been revised following the recent UN Climate Change Conference (COP 21). But transport is also fundamental for the EU's economy and people's welfare. The EESC is working to help Europe navigate towards a greener future.

  • European industry needs an environment conducive to innovative activity. We must strengthen investment in innovation and foster business dynamism. Investment is needed not only in scientific R&D but also in areas that are becoming key features of corporate success, such as design, software, data, firm-specific skills and marketing. These are some of the ideas that emerged from the conference on the Reindustrialisation of Europe: Food Manufacturing, Innovation and Circular Economy, which took place on 27 October in Milan. The event was hosted by the Employers' Group, together with Coldiretti and Confindustria.

  • The conference will include three exciting round tables on key issues relating to consumer and environmental protection.  A link to the live streaming will be available on this event page.

  • The sustainable economy we need - With Executive Vice-President Timmermans

    Following the success of the previous Youth Climate and Sustainability Round Tables, the EESC will host the fourth EU Youth Round Table on Tuesday 18 July, 10:30-11:30 CEST. Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, will participate in the event and will engage with the youth representatives on the topic: the sustainable economy we need for a successful implementation of the European Green and Social Deal.

  • An economically sustainable Europe

    With this debate, the ECO section is providing ex-ante input to the European Commission, in preparation for the upcoming 2023 strategic foresight cycle that wants to shed light on the strategic decisions needed to ensure a socially and economically sustainable Europe with a stronger role in the world in the coming decades.

  • How the EU can push back against resource depletion

    This public event will assess the extent of the EU's current ecological overshoot and look into proposals from organised civil society to push back against resource depletion and present some best practices and initiatives to reduce the EU's ecological footprint.