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Le relazioni tra l'UE e i suoi vicini meridionali costituiscono una delle priorità del Comitato. La nostra attività in tale ambito riguarda un'ampia gamma di settori, come la partecipazione della società civile al dialogo politico e civile, la transizione democratica, l'occupazione giovanile, lo sviluppo sostenibile, la mobilità e l'immigrazione, il commercio, le energie rinnovabili e lo sviluppo delle imprese.

Il CESE lavora su tali questioni sin dal 1995. A seguito dei cambiamenti nella regione nel 2010, il Comitato ha adeguato di conseguenza i suoi obiettivi, puntando a:

  • sostenere le organizzazioni della società civile nei paesi in transizione. Tale sostegno è destinato, in particolare, ai sindacati e alle organizzazioni dei datori di lavoro nonché alle associazioni delle donne, dei giovani e degli agricoltori;
  • mantenere relazioni bilaterali con i consigli economici e sociali nazionali nella regione e lavorare per creare le condizioni per l'inclusione della società civile nel dialogo politico dei paesi partner meridionali;
  • formulare pareri e relazioni congiunte sulle sfide strategiche chiave che la regione si trova ad affrontare;
  • tenere riunioni periodiche con le istituzioni europee e le organizzazioni internazionali per discutere le politiche riguardanti la società civile nella regione;
  • organizzare un vertice annuale per i consigli economici e sociali e istituzioni analoghe, in occasione dei quali vengano presentate ai responsabili delle politiche dei governi nazionali e dell'UE raccomandazioni sulle politiche chiave riguardanti le sfide principali della regione.
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    2024 Euromed Summit

    The annual Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions provides civil society organisations (CSOs) from the UfM Member States with a platform to debate common challenges and opportunities and to exchange best practices.

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    Joint EESC and ESC of Spain

    The EESC and the Spanish Economic and Social Council (CES) are organising this joint conference in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, dedicated to "The impact of the climate crisis on migration flows in the Mediterranean region". This event will contribute to the EESC's mandate to establish and reinforce a Euro-Mediterranean network of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions. It will provide CSOs with an opportunity to meet, exchange best practices and discuss an issue of importance
    throughout the Mediterranean region. 

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    The 2023 edition of the Euromed Summit will be dedicated to "Energy transition in the Euro-Mediterranean region". While gas will continue to play an important role in the energy mix on both shores of the Mediterranean, the region is also blessed with great renewable potential – increasingly attracting public and private stakeholders...

  • EU-Morocco JAG

    The European Union (EU) and Morocco are bound by an association agreement signed in 1996, which entered into force in 2000. In October 2008, Morocco was granted an "Advanced Status" by the EU.

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    2022 Euromed Summit

    The Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions aims at promoting greater understanding of the main issues affecting organised civil society in the Mediterranean region and discussing the common challenges they face.

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    Euromed Summit 2021

    The Euromed Summit has been regrettably postponed to 2022 due to new Covid19 variant & suspension of all international flights to Morocco.
    We thank ALL participants/speakers/support teams for their efforts & understanding. New date will be announced once set!

  • Joint meeting REX and ECO Sections

    Macro-regional recovery and resilience initiatives - Joint meeting of REX and ECO Sections.

    The purpose of this meeting is to explore how macro-regional strategies contribute to the recovery and resilience of their regions. The meeting will look at how management authorities of the strategies were actually involved in the preparation of the national recovery plans, which projects have been included, how civil society organisations were part of the process. The afternoon session will be dedicated to the idea of a new macro-regional strategy for the whole Mediterranean region encompassing the countries of the Southern Neighbourhood.

  • Euromed Summit 2020

    The Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions aims at promoting greater understanding of the main issues affecting organised civil society in the Euromed region and at discussing the common challenges they face.

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    The Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions aims at promoting greater understanding of the main issues affecting organised civil society in the Euromed region and at discussing the common challenges they face

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    Euromed Summit 2018

    The Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions aims at promoting greater understanding of the main issues affecting organised civil society in the Euromed region and at discussing the common challenges they face. The Summit brings together aound 120 participants from economic and social councils, or similar institutions, representatives of employers, trade unions, other economic and social interests groups and NGOs from countries which are members of the Union for the Mediterranean (UFM). This year, the exchange will focus on the following topics:

    • Education and Training in the Euro-Mediterranean region
    • Social Economy and entrepreneurship in the Euro Mediterranean region

    The meeting will conclude with the adoption of recommendations that will be sent to the political authorities of the countries involved in the UFM Ministerial Summits and disseminated widely amongst civil society organisations in the region.

    This year's event is co-organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Training Foundation  (ETF). The event is co-financed by the European Commission.