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  • Peace signpost
    Reference number

    Nella sessione plenaria di marzo il Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) ha adottato un parere in cui propone una strategia globale per la costruzione della pace guidata dall'UE che comprende la creazione della WhiteDoveWay, un cammino di pace dall'Irlanda del Nord a Nicosia, diretto a promuovere il dialogo, la riconciliazione e la prevenzione dei conflitti, seguendo il cammino percorso per la prima volta dal pellegrino irlandese del sesto secolo Colombano.

  • Jane Morrice at a EESC plenary session
    Reference number

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted in its February plenary session an opinion supporting the continuation of the European Peace and Reconciliation Programme (PEACE) in Northern Ireland after the UK's withdrawal from the EU. This continued support is considered as "crucial" given the sensitivity of the debate on the UK/Ireland border in the context of the Brexit negotiations.  

  • Reference number

    Il membro italiano Luca Jahier è stato eletto quale 32esimo Presidente del Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE), e per i prossimi due anni e mezzo sarà alla guida di questo organo dell'UE che rappresenta la società civile organizzata. Le due nuove vicepresidenti sono Milena Angelova (Bulgaria), per il Bilancio, e Isabel Caño Aguilar (Spagna), per la Comunicazione. Leggi il discorso di insediamento

  • Published in
    20 pages

    Call for an EU Blue Deal - Event highlights - 26 October 2023

  • Speaker
    Luca Jahier, EESC President

    A commemorative ceremony is challenging. For one, the subject is still a minefield. For even now, the collective memories of the countries we come from relate different narratives and nourish different sensitivities of lost territories, people slaughtered senselessly and vain promises. Some commemorate the independence of their country. Furthermore, the line is tight between pathos - and doing justice to the horrors of one of the deadliest conflicts in the history of humanity. But we can grow stronger though joint commemoration.

  • Speaker
    Luca Jahier, EESC President

    Europe, its institutions and civil society appear to be a laughably inadequate defence against this sea of troubles. We need to get a grip. The next, crucial stage is just around the corner: the European elections. We have to put forward a European project that galvanises people, one that even lets them dream.

  • Speaker
    Luca Jahier, EESC President

    Gli anniversari sono un'occasione per celebrare, per condividere e gioire. Un momento di pausa, per guardarsi indietro e fare un bilancio dei risultati raggiunti che guideranno il nostro futuro.

  • Declaration by Luca Jahier, EESC President, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the European Economic and Social Committee

    The responses to the multiple crises that the European Union has been confronted with have increasingly led European citizens to become disenchanted not only with the European Union itself but also with democratic institutions in general – both at the  European and national level. There is a serious risk of EU citizens no longer seeing the added value of the EU for their living and working conditions as well as for their future perspectives and those of their children and for losing a common sense of belonging.

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    President's declaration on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the EESC
  • Statement by
    Luca Jahier, EESC President, on the occasion of Europe Day (9 May)

    As we celebrate Europe today, we should remember the promise of peace and unity that our founding fathers made to future generations. But in some corners of the Union, these generations are today questioning the value of the European project. There is no other alternative than a Union that is strong, fair and cohesive.

  • Luca Jahier, President of the EESC 2018 - 2020 - 534th Plenary Session - New presidency - Inaugural Session