Action plan for the social economy

Download — EESC opinion: Action plan for the social economy


  • welcomes the Action Plan for the Social Economy, which has included many key points which it has itself raised for several years since its opinion INT/447 of 2009.
  • considers that the war against Ukraine and the subsequent exodus of refugees are currently highlighting the strong propensity to solidarity of the peoples of Europe and the civil society organisations dealing with their reception and the management of humanitarian aid, which confirms the important function of the social economy when it comes to confronting solidarity in times of humanitarian crisis.
  • considers that in many Member States the potential of the social economy remains untapped. The plan should therefore be complemented by medium- and long-term actions, guiding and coordinating the necessary measures and strengthening the legal framework of reference; in this respect, the EESC fully supports the envisaged approach towards a specific Council recommendation by the deadline of 2023.
  • proposes, in order to make the Action Plan more incisive, to strengthen it through more targeted proposals in four areas of interest — i) collaboration between public administrations and social economy entities; (II) the question of State aid; (III) investments and financial instruments; (IV) taxation — by linking it more firmly with the ‘European strategy’ for 2030, particularly in view of the role that the social economy can play in supporting the green, digital and social transitions.

For more information please contact the INT Section Secretariat.