Attività estrattiva e materie prime

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  • Adottati on 25/05/2016
    Workers - GR II
    Employers - GR I
    Czech Republic

    During the energy transition towards the low-emission economy, the EU energy system faces a period of profound technological, economic and social change that will affect many of the energy sectors, including the coal industry and hence the coal-mining regions of the EU.

    Download — EESC opinion: Indigenous coal in the EU energy transition (own-initiative opinion)
    Brian Ricketts, Secretary General of Euracol: Coal in Europe and contribution to energy security
    Michael Eyll-Vetter, Vice President Mining, RWE Power: Modern use of lignite
    Prof. DSc. Eng. Krzysztof Stanczyk, Coordinator of clean coal technology center, Central Mining Institute, Katowice: Research, Development and Innovation for cleaner use of coal
    Jonas M. Helseth, Bellona: Environmental perspective / Contribution of coal and lignite to the EU’s energy security
    Mr. Salvatore Cherchi, Member of the Board of SOTACARBO SpA, Societa Technologie Avanzate Carbone, Carbonia, Italy: Clean technologies for the future of the coal
    Ph. D. Michal Wilczynski, Freelance Expert for NGOs in Poland, The Institute for Sustainable Development, Warsaw: Will coal and lignite reinforce energy security of Europe?
    Jan Panek, Head of Unit, Retail markets, oil and coal, DG ENER: Coal in the EU energy mix – present situation and future challenges
    (RO) László Domokos: President of the trade union "Huila" from Romania: Economic and Social Impact of the mining industry
  • Adottati on 27/04/2016 - Bureau decision date: 07/10/2015
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III

    The EESC fully backs the objective of switching to a greener, resource-efficient and circular economy. It is happy to see that the Commission has come forward with a broader set of proposals covering all the stages of the product lifecycle compared to the previous circular economy package; however, it raises concern over the lower level of ambition, which is likely to lead to lower economic and environmental benefits.

    Download — EESC opinion: Circular Economy Package
  • Adottati on 26/10/2011
    Workers - GR II
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    In the framework of this opinion a hearing (The processing and exploitation, for economic and environmental purposes, of the industrial and mining waste deposits from European Union) was organized in Cluj Napoca / Kolozsvár, in Romania, on 19 May 2011.
    Download — The processing and exploitation, for economic and environmental purposes of the industrial and mining waste deposits from European Union
  • Adottati on 14/07/2011
    Employers - GR I
    Czech Republic
    Workers - GR II
    The EESC welcomes the Commission document COM(2011) 25 final Tackling the Challenges in Commodity Markets and on Raw Materials and The European raw materials' initiative (RMI) as an important step to tackle this vital issue. EESC thus urges the EC to monitor the situation in international trade of critical raw materials (as listed in COM(2011) 25 final and with regular updating of this list). In addition, we endorse the need to continue in negotiation at the international level (WTO) to promote free trade also in commodity markets. The EESC urges a more active foreign policy regarding security of raw materials for EU industry.
    Download — Tackling the challenges in commodity markets and on raw materials
    Mr. Paul Anciaux, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission
    Ms. Teresa Presas, Director General, Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)
    Mr. Dirk Fincke, Public Affairs Manager, European Aggregates Association
    Mr. Dirk Fincke, Public Affairs Manager, European Aggregates Association (speech)
    Ms. Annick Carpentier, Eurometaux
    Agenda mini-hearing on raw materials
  • Adottati on 16/02/2011
    Employers - GR I
    Czech Republic
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
    Download — Access to secondary raw materials (scrap iron, recycled paper, etc.)
  • Adottati on 13/05/2009
    Plenary session number
    Download — The raw materials initiative: needs for growth and jobs in Europe
  • Adottati on 09/07/2008
    Plenary session number
    Download — Non-energy mining industry in Europe
  • Adottati on 05/07/2006
    Plenary session number
    Download — Supply of raw materials
  • The EESC adopted an opinion at its July plenary emphasising the need for a comprehensive and coordinated approach to raw materials policies. It proposes expanding critical materials lists, ensuring fair energy prices, simplifying permits, prioritising recycling and promoting capacity building in EU raw materials policies.

  • The phasing-out of coal in Europe needs smart long-term strategies. It is important to focus on the balance between the economic, environmental and social impacts. A change to renewables can be part of the solution. Regional investment schemes and the involvement of the local population concerned in order to build public support are key to a successful transition. On 7 April, the CCMI of the EESC held a high-level debate on "Industrial and energy transition – the industrial, economic and social consequences", bringing together...