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Le comité de suivi «UE-Russie» est un organe interne du CESE chargé des relations avec la société civile russe.

Depuis que les autorités russes ont déclenché la guerre contre l’Ukraine le 24 février 2022, la société civile libre de Russie a été réduite au silence par des lois spéciales et une répression croissante, tandis que de nombreux opposants au régime ont été contraints à l’exil.

Dans les circonstances difficiles actuelles, le CESE a décidé de laisser la porte ouverte au dialogue avec les membres de la société civile russe opposés à la guerre et présents sur le territoire de l’Union.

Des échanges d’informations et de points de vue constructifs ont ainsi pu avoir lieu sur la manière dont les relations bilatérales devront se poursuivre après la fin de la guerre et le retour de la liberté et la démocratie dans le pays.

  • Speech by Mr Luca JAHIER, President of Group III 'Various Interests' of the European Economic and Social Committee at the Hellenic Parliament, Athens, on 13 November 2013
    Speech by Juca JAHIER
  • Published in
    17 pages
    The main messages of the 6 EESC opinions on Eastern Partnership.
  • Conference organised by the Various Intersts Group of the EESC in Thessaloniki, Greece on 31 May 2013

    Speech by Juca JAHIER
  • Published in
    18 pages
    Conclusions du Groupe de Coordination du CESE sur l'année européenne du vieillissement actif et de la solidarité intergénérationnelle 2012.
  • Published in
    6 pages
    The five ideas are a distillation of the dreams and aspirations encountered across Europe. Concrete proposals on democracy, employment, rights, education, and the European public sphere.
  • Speaker
    Staffan Nilsson
    The EESC believes that Northern Dimension cooperation should not only comprise actors from governmental and regional levels but it should also involve business organisations, trade unions and non-governmental organisations. Civil society is an important Northern Dimension actor: the role of civil society organisations in the implementation of the different projects is essential.
    Staffan Nilsson`s speeches at the Northern Dimension meetings
  • Speaker
    Staffan Nilsson
    The EESC has called for a European stimulus package for the labour market policy, amounting to 2% of GDP. We recognise that the "Compact for Growth and Jobs" adopted at the European Council summit in June 2012 is a first important step in that direction. This must be further fleshed out to create the needed room for manoeuvre for sustainable growth and employment across the Europe.
    PR 13 EESC backs Reding's women-on-boards plan
  • Speaker
    Staffan Nilsson
    A lot has happened both in the EU and in the countries of its close neighbourhood since the EU-led Black Sea Synergy initiative providing scope for regional cooperation was launched (in 2008). A lot has evolved since the last Black Sea NGO Forum took place. What did not change however is a vital need for civil society active engagement and mobilization of all parts of our societies to act together.
    Staffan Nilsson`s opening speach at the Black Sea NGO Forum 2012
  • Mr Mikael GUSTAFSSON, Chair of the European Parliament Committee "Women Rights and Gender Equality"
    Speech on the occasion of the EESC conference on Eradicating domestic violence, 21 Sep 2012, Brussels