RePowerEU Plan

Download — EESC opinion: RePowerEU Plan



  • Considers that the European Commission's REPowerEU Plan is a step in the right direction to make the EU independent of Russian gas and oil supply.
  • Points out that many of the problems that need to be solved now could have been avoided, or at least limited, if the dependency on energy imports had been reduced – as proposed by the Commission in the past years.
  • Draws attention to the risk of the combined economic and social effects of the current crisis putting the democratic system under strain unless adequate solutions are found.
  • Supports the implementation of immediate measures to address the most pressing issues, in particular to ensure security of supply at an “affordable as possible” cost for both consumers and industry, which are affected by the current dramatic price increases.
  • Warns nonetheless that the emergency measures of the REPowerEU Plan must not lead to new dependencies and should not harm the efforts to achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible.
  • Calls on the Commission to develop a geopolitical energy import strategy, also taking into account energy and climate urgencies, before concluding partnerships with non-democratic or politically unstable countries.
  • Takes note that the urgency of the supply situation requires flexibility regarding temporary use of fossil and low emission fuels, coal and nuclear and that the status of nuclear energy is a national competence.
  • Supports therefore:
    • The proposal to increase the energy efficiency target from 9% to 14% by 2030;
    • An increase in the share of renewables in the EU energy mix and strongly supports the Commission’s request to include the 45% share proposed in the REPowerEU Plan in the Fit for 55 package;
    • The proposals regarding rapid permitting procedures for renewables projects and the definition of so-called “go to” areas for such projects.
  • Draws attention to:
    • The need for massive investment to increase the share of renewables in the EU’s energy mix;
    • The need for a significant research and development investment.
    • The potential of self-consumption, renewable energy communities and energy sharing;
    • The importance of national patterns of behaviour and traditions that influence choices regarding sustainable energy mixes.