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  • Adopted on 13/12/2023 - Bureau decision date: 25/01/2023
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    One of the main conclusions of the 8th Cohesion Report is that although cohesion and convergence among regions in the European Union has improved, there are still remaining gaps especially in less developed regions related with their territorial characteristics. EU islands, mountain areas and sparsely populated areas still face many challenges on their growth and income and disparities exist.

    In these regions, there are still a lot of gaps in terms of employment and investment, social exclusion is evident and gender disparities have not diminished.

    Download — EESC opinion: Main challenges faced by EU islands, and mountainous and sparsely populated areas
  • Adopted on 07/07/2021 - Bureau decision date: 23/02/2021
    Employers - GR I

    The communication presents a vision, targets and avenues for a successful digital transformation of Europe by 2030. It proposes to agree on a set of digital principles, to rapidly launch important multi-country projects, and to prepare a legislative proposal setting out a robust governance framework, to monitor progress – the Digital Compass.

    Download — EESC opinion: Europe’s Digital Decade: 2030 Digital Targets
  • Adopted on 16/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 22/01/2019
    Download — Information report: Evaluation on Trans European Network – Transport (TEN-T) guidelines 2013–2020
  • Adopted on 15/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 09/06/2020

    The EESC strongly supports the Commission's proposal – Next Generation EU – as a specific tool for a quick and effective recovery.

    The EESC takes a very positive view of the Commission's two main decisions:

    1. to introduce an extraordinary financial recovery instrument as part of the multiannual financial framework
    2. to raise common debt, which will be repaid over a long period of time, and prevent the extraordinary financial burden from falling directly on the Member States in the short run.

    The EESC strongly welcomes the fact that the newly proposed instrument should be closely coordinated with the European Semester process, and furthermore welcomes the Commission's proposal to introduce additional genuine own resources based on different taxes (revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System, digital taxation, large companies' revenues).

    Download — EESC opinion: Recovery plan for Europe and the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
  • Adopted on 17/07/2019 - Bureau decision date: 24/01/2019
    Workers - GR II

    The absence of economic and social convergence among Member States and regions is a threat to the political sustainability of the European project and all the benefits it has brought to European citizens. Developing economic and labour market resilience with economic, social, environmental and institutional sustainability should be the principle guiding policies. This will foster upwards convergence and fairness in the transition towards a climate-neutral economy while managing the challenges posed by digitalisation and demographic change.

    Download — EESC opinion: Towards a more resilient and sustainable European economy (own initiative opinion)
    Civil Society Days 2019 - Workshop 6 Economy and democracy labour market resilient and sustainable pathway
  • Adopted on 18/10/2017 - Bureau decision date: 30/05/2017
    Download — EESC opinion: Eurovignette
  • Adopted on 18/10/2017 - Bureau decision date: 30/05/2017
    Download — EESC opinion: Interoperability of the electronic toll system
  • Adopted on 05/07/2017 - Bureau decision date: 24/01/2017

    A pro-active mindset in business is needed to open up to increasing flows of data and develop the ability to process big data. Flexible and more adaptable business models must be put in place in the context of the current transformation process.

    The Commission should carry out a precise analysis of the state of play and of defensive attitudes to the free flow of data in the Member States in order to remove unjustified barriers by putting the right legal and technical provisions in place. Removing unjustified barriers to free flow of data should be an integral part of a Europe-wide industrial policy. Opening up of national markets should also be covered by the European Semester.

    As a matter of principle, contractual freedom in the private sector should be respected. A general EU framework for standards is desirable but standards should in no way hamper innovation. Portability should be promoted.

    Download — EESC opinion: Building a European Data Economy (Communication)
  • Adopted on 05/07/2017 - Bureau decision date: 24/01/2017
    Download — EESC opinion: Protection of personal data
  • Adopted on 05/07/2017 - Bureau decision date: 26/01/2017
    Download — EESC opinion: Implications of the digitalisation and robotisation of transport on EU policy-making (own-initiative opinion)