Vecinos del Este

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Las actividades del CESE en relación con los países de la vecindad oriental incluyen a Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Bielorrusia, Georgia, Moldavia y Ucrania. El principal objetivo del CESE con respecto a los «Vecinos del Este de Europa» tiene por objeto mejorar las relaciones con las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en la región y hacer que participen en un diálogo con sus responsables políticos nacionales y con la sociedad civil organizada de la UE.

Los principales mecanismos de cooperación con Georgia, Moldavia y Ucrania son las plataformas de la sociedad civil, que complementan los órganos políticos que existen en el marco de los Acuerdos de Asociación de la UE con estos países. Las plataformas permiten a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil tanto de la UE como de los países socios en cuestión supervisar el proceso de aplicación y preparar sus recomendaciones destinadas a las autoridades pertinentes.

Por parte de la UE, estas plataformas están integradas por miembros del CESE, así como representantes de grandes redes europeas de la sociedad civil. Por parte de los países socios, representan a un amplio espectro de organizaciones de la sociedad civil. La composición de las plataformas se basa en una representación equilibrada de todos los grupos de interés (organizaciones de empresarios, sindicatos y grupos de actividades diversas).

El Comité de Seguimiento para los Vecinos del Este de Europafue creado en 2004 como un órgano específico encargado de las relaciones con la sociedad civil de los países de la vecindad oriental. El Comité de Seguimiento se suele reunir cuatro veces al año y sus miembros participan activamente en las actividades relacionadas con la Asociación Oriental, tales como las plataformas multilaterales de la Asociación Oriental y el Foro de la Sociedad Civil de la Asociación Oriental.

  • Joint meeting

    The representatives of the two Domestic Advisory Groups (DAGs) from the EU and Ukraine held their fourth joint meeting via a video conference on 28 October 2020. 

  • The Civil Society Platform complements the political bodies existing within the framework of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement, and it allows civil society organisations from both sides to monitor the implementation process and prepare their recommendations to the relevant authorities both in Georgia as well as in the European Union.

    The 6th meeting of the EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform took place place on 26 February 2020 Brussels. During the meeting, a debate was held assessing the state of play of the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement. Constitutional reform in Georgia and occupational safety and health at workplace were also discussed.


  • The 6th meeting of the EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform took place on 13 February 2020 in Chisinau in Moldova. During the meeting, a debate was held assessing the state of play of the implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement. Social aspects of the implementation of the Association Agreement and Moldovan initiatives in justice sector and fighting corruption were discussed. Platform members also took stock of the Association Agenda EU-Moldova 2017-2019.

  • The 8th meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group under the EU-Ukraine DCFTA took place via a video conference on 6 May 2020. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • CANCELLED / The 6th meeting of the EU-Georgia Domestic Advisory Group will take place on 30 March 2020 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • The 8th meeting of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform took place on 3 December 2019 in Brussels. During the meeting, a debate was held assessing the state of play of the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. And two reports, prepared by both sides, one on the Integration of Ukraine into the European Union's Digital Single Market and the second one on Transport component of the Association Agreement, were discussed.

  • Representatives of the two Domestic Advisory Groups (DAGs) from the EU and Ukraine held their third joint meeting in Brussels on 6 November 2019. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • The 7th meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group under the EU-Ukraine DCFTA took place on 19 September 2019 in Brussels. Please click on the programme tab to consult the topics on the agenda.

  • The Civil Society Platform complements the political bodies existing within the framework of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement, and it allows civil society organisations from both sides to monitor the implementation process and prepare their recommendations to the relevant authorities both in Georgia as well as in the European Union.

    At the fifth meeting, the Members of the Platform assessed the state of play of the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement and adopted reports on 10 years of Eastern Partnership from the Georgian perspective, labour safety at workplace and on rights of migrants in Georgia.

  • Representatives of the two Domestic Advisory Groups (DAG) from the EU and Moldova, established under Chapter 13 on Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union, held the fourth joint meeting in Chisinau, Moldova, on 5 July 2019.