Boosting the use of artificial intelligence in Europe's micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises


The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) intends to conclude a service contract for a study on "Boosting the use of artificial intelligence in Europe's micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises". The study should describe and analyse both the opportunities and challenges to SMEs and microenterprises in relation to use of AI. It should aim to identify the different issues, challenges and problems faced by EU SMEs and more particularly by micro- and small enterprises (including family companies, and enterprises in remote areas).

The study should focus, in particular, on proposing ways to help SMEs and micro-enterprises to give shape to their AI needs, as well as identifying the relevant actors to respond to those needs.

The study must also focus on SMEs awareness of AI. SMEs and microenterprises are not sufficiently aware of the challenges and opportunities of AI. In addition to this, the scale and nature of the resources that will have to be mobilised hinder the access to AI technology for SMEs and micro-enterprises. The challenges in terms of training, as well as in terms of financial investment, are particularly important.

The study must analyse and compare the policies and approaches adopted by at least 5 selected Members States of the EU in order to facilitate, support and boost the use of AI in SMEs and microenterprises.

The study must also look at the various policies existing at EU level to support SMEs in this context. 

The study has to focus on identifying the issues at stake across at least 5 different sectors, with the potential and added value but also particular issues and challenges specific to these sectors.  It should focus on the analysis of certain sectors where SMEs and micro-enterprises are well represented in general. It should compare the different sectors to see, for instance, in which sectors AI is lagging behind as well as sectors where it is used extensively.

Indicative calendar

  1. Launch of the invitation to tender: estimated timing is May 2020.
  2. Contract award: estimated timing is June or July 2020.
  3. The final study is expected within 10 months following the signature of the contract.
  4. Deadline for offers: approximately at the end of May/June 2020.


Send your expression of interest to participate or request for information to the following mail box (before the deadline mentioned below)


Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 11:59