Regulation on the welfare of dogs and cats and their traceability

EESC section opinion: Regulation on the welfare of dogs and cats and their traceability

Practical information

  1. Composition of the Study group and timeline
  2. Administrator / Assistant in charge: Arturo IÑIGUEZ / Tiina ALANKO
  3. Contact


The proposal establishes uniform EU rules for the welfare of dogs and cats that are bred or kept in breeding establishments, in pet shops as well as in shelters:

  • Minimum standards will apply to the breeding, housing, care and treatment of these animals across the EU.
  • Strict traceability requirements, together with automated checks for online sales, will help authorities control the breeding and trade of dogs and cats and buyers to check that their identification and registration is correct.
  • Member States need to offer training to animal handlers and anyone buying a dog or cat needs to be informed about the importance of responsible ownership.
  • Imports of dogs and cats have to meet equivalent welfare standards.

It does not introduce new obligations for pet owners.