Crisis financiera

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  • Aprobados on 16/03/2016 - Bureau decision date: 08/12/2015

    The EESC welcomes the establishment of economic priority programmes for the euro area at the start of the European Semester. To achieve a recovery of growth and employment a mix of financial, taxation, budgetary, economic and social policies is needed. In contrast to the recommendation of the Commission, the focus of fiscal policy should be designed to be more expansionist than neutral. The EESC advocates the reduction of taxation on labour insofar as it does not threaten the financial sustainability of social protection systems. The EESC calls for a coordinated effort to create a more business-friendly environment for SMEs through better regulation, adequate financing and facilitation of exports to markets outside the EU. There is a particular need to open up new funding opportunities for micro-enterprises and start-ups.

    EESC opinion: Economic policy of the euro area
  • Aprobados on 16/03/2016 - Bureau decision date: 07/10/2015

    The introduction of further risk sharing is to be accompanied by further risk reduction in the Banking Union. Both the EDIS and the relevant risk reduction measures have to be dealt with in parallel and without delay and actually put into effect. An EDIS will have a positive impact on the situation of individual Member States and banks by being more able to cushion local shocks. This may discourage speculation against specific countries or banks, thus reducing the risk of bank runs. At the same time it will further weaken the link between the banks and their national sovereigns. It is imperative that the existing legislative framework of the Banking Union is fully implemented by all Member States. It is important that the Commission carry out a comprehensive in-depth impact study in order to further strengthen the legitimacy of the proposal.

    EESC opinion: European Deposit Insurance Scheme
  • Aprobados on 08/10/2015 - Bureau decision date: 15/09/2015
    EESC opinion: Amending Regulation for Structural Funds - specific measures for Greece
    Declaration Fonds Structurels - 12/10/2015
  • Aprobados on 17/09/2015
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    A genuine stabilisation of the economic and monetary union (EMU) can only succeed if the deficits in the EMU architecture are solved and to this end major reforms are undertaken. The longer the current austerity policy continues, that primarily looks at spending cuts without the addition of an effective investment plan and measures to enhance income through growth, social cohesion and solidarity, it will become increasingly clear that Europe's economic integration and prosperity is at risk from growing social inequalities. The EESC calls for greater "parliamentarisation" of the euro area, with a grand EP committee comprising all members of parliament from the euro area and from those countries wishing to join (26 Member States), combined with stronger coordination of members of parliament from the euro area on EMU issues (COSAC +).

    EESC opinion: The community method for a democratic and social EMU
  • Aprobados on 01/07/2015
    Workers - GR II
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number

    The EESC wants the conditions be created for an efficient, modern financial services sector with appropriate regulations, which grants access to capital providers by companies seeking investment, especially SMEs and high growth companies, and finds it of utmost importance to overcome the current fragmentation of the markets.

    Since a Capital Markets Union (CMU) is to a significant extent a reality for large companies, the EESC stresses the need for measures that will also allow SMEs to benefit from it, for example through accepting simplified standardised criteria for registration on regulated markets, and providing a definition of an emerging growth and high growth company and devoting special attention to the needs of such companies on the capital market.

    EESC opinion: Capital Markets Union
    Building a Capital Markets Union for the EU - Philip Tod, European Commission DG FISMA
    Comments on the European Commission's Green Paper on a Capital Markets Union - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    Presentation on CMU by DG FISMA - ECO Section meeting 18-06-2015
  • Aprobados on 27/05/2015
    Plenary session number

    The EESC welcomes the Proposal for a Directive presented by the European Commission, through which the Commission is continuing to implement the measures included in the action plan to strengthen the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion. Information on advance tax rulings and advance pricing arrangements is very important and can help the Member States to trace artificial transactions. The EESC recommends that the Member States make efforts to ensure that the provisions of the proposal for a directive are transposed correctly.

    EESC opinion: Tax Transparency Package
  • Aprobados on 27/05/2015
    Plenary session number

    The EESC is of the opinion that persisting imbalances as well as the creation of trust and confidence across Europe require more effective and democratic economic governance, notably in the Eurozone. It has become clear that the current system of rules underpinning the EU, and particularly the euro area, has created confusion on the legal, institutional and democratic fronts. A new approach is therefore needed. With this in mind, the Committee presents its contribution to the new five presidents' report which will propose next steps on better economic governance to the European Council in June. The EESC contribution summarises the different stages and puts forward institutional proposals and preparatory initiatives regarding the completion of the political pillar of the Economic and Monetary Union.


    EESC opinion: Completing EMU: The political pillar
    Preparing for Next Steps on Better Economic Governance in the Euro Area - presentation by Baudouin Regout (European commission)
    Completing Political Union: How the Euro-Union could work - presentation by Ulrike Guérot (The European Democracy Lab, European School of Governance, Berlin)
    The political and institutional aspects of further euro area integration - presentation by Elmar Brok (European Parliament)
    The political and institutional aspects of further EMU area integration - presentation by Bernard Snoy (ELEC)
    The political and institutional aspects of further euro area integration - presentation by Johannes Lindner (ECB)
  • Aprobados on 19/03/2015
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    United Kingdom
    Plenary session number

    The EESC welcomes the Investment Plan for Europe as a step in the right direction, which however faces serious questions about the Plan's size and timescale, the high degree of leverage expected and the potential flow of suitable projects. The Plan proposes that contributions to the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) from Member States will not be included in budget deficit calculations and this is to be welcomed, but it begs the question as to why ongoing strategic public infrastructure expenditures are not treated in the same way. Strategic public investment which underpins present and future economic development should be incentivised by a more benign European fiscal framework.

    EESC opinion: An Investment Plan for Europe
    Achim Truger - Implementing the Golden Rule for Public Investment in Europe
  • Aprobados on 19/03/2015
    Employers - GR I
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    The European economic governance rules, conceived in crisis, played an important role in fiscal consolidation and economic policy coordination, but the cost was high in terms of growth and employment. The quantitative easing measures now being embarked upon by the European Central Bank need to be matched by greater political initiatives by the Member States. In the review of the Multiannual Financial Framework in 2016, there is a need to back urgent structural reforms of common EU interest with some form of fiscal capacity. A reasonable deviation from the 3% deficit parameter should be considered as a temporary exception for a given number of years and not be automatically liable to sanctions. A lack of implementation of country-specific recommendations (CSRs) could be countered by real involvement of civil society and the social partners in drawing up CSRs.

    EESC opinion: Economic governance review
    IIEA Economic Governance Group - Submission on Analytical Note “Preparing for Next Steps on Better Economic Governance in the Euro Area”
  • Aprobados on 18/02/2015
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
    EESC opinion: European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) - review