Trade for all: Towards a more responsible trade and investment policy

Download — EESC opinion: Trade for all: Towards a more responsible trade and investment policy

In its work programme for 2015 the Commission indicated that it will review the EU’s trade and investment policy strategy with a particular focus on its contribution to jobs and growth (EC work programme for 2015 p. 5)

The EESC has produced opinion to the previous revision of the European Trade policy in 2010 and on the EU investment policy when it was incorporated as an exclusive competence under the Lisbon treaty. It produces now opinions on all major trade negotiations of the European Union.

The EESC has a Trade Follow-up Committee in charge to monitor the EU trade policy. This Committee meets regularly and can be used to produce the opinion without additional costs to be involved for the Committee.

In addition, in order to influence the design of the Commission policy and the drafting of the Commission communication it is important to start the work of the opinion before the Communication  is finalised and referred to the Committee.


Composition of the study group


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