Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2023

Download — EESC opinion: Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2023

Key points


  • thinks that the Union needs to balance the demand for energy supply, while preserving energy for the winter and avoiding higher costs. It is crucial to support measures that will boost efficiency in all areas. This must be done while preserving the integrity of the single market and ensuring macroeconomic financial stability and coherent fiscal and monetary policies.
  • urges fair working conditions, effective competition and better consideration of civil society concerns in order to improve the functioning of the single market, and supports the call for action to be taken to enhance the single market.
  • considers that the recent shocks underline the importance of strongly coordinating sound fiscal policies and of building fiscal buffers during good times to be used during downturns, while simultaneously addressing social deficits as they can compromise economic growth in the medium term. Fiscal policies should aim to achieve prudent medium-term fiscal positions and ensure fiscal sustainability through gradual consolidation and sustainable growth-enhancing investment and reforms.
  • calls for a moderate, realistic and balanced approach while addressing inflation in order to involve everyone in the search for a solution that will benefit the whole Union. The Competition Authorities must be rigorously active in ensuring price transparency and being alert for any possible market failures. Governments must be careful to ensure their pronouncements are based on the best empirical analysis, avoiding unsubstantiated criticism of commercial actors as it can lead to conflict between citizens, companies and social partners. The EESC also believes that the problem can only be solved if governments, businesses and organised civil society work together.
  • urges the Commission to communicate better with citizens, and welcomes the Commission's initiative to present this year a Communication on strengthening social dialogue in the EU and a proposal for a Council Recommendation on the role of social dialogue at national level. Better communication with and consultation of organised civil society are essential and go hand in hand.

Rapporteur: Gonçalo LOBO XAVIER (Employers - GR I/Portugal)

Administrator in charge: Colombe GREGOIRE / Assistant: Maria D. CARMONA

Contact: E-mail