SME relief package


SMEs face major uncertainties, supply constraints, labour shortages and unfair competition.

The SME Relief Package aims to provide short-term relief, boost long-term SME competitiveness and resilience, and foster a fair and SME-friendly business environment.

The main set of measures address the access to finance and skilled workforce, and the support needed by SMEs throughout their business lifecycle.


Key points


  • welcomes the SME relief package as an attempt to put SMEs at the core of European legislation and at the heart of European strategies, discussions, and actions in support of competitiveness. The next Commission should make this a priority and give it continuity.
  • believes that the Commission must ensure that the EU SME Envoy has an entrepreneurial background and a well-defined set of competencies and responsibilities in the upcoming 2024-2029 mandate, and that the position is accompanied by adequate resources in terms of staff and financial support.
  • welcomes the efforts for simplification as well as the reduction of burdens in VAT areas in cross-border activities. The EESC, however, notes that more needs to be done to remove other long-lasting barriers. Fragmentation across the single market and different national rules on goods and services place a considerable burden on businesses.
  • believes that it should be made easier for SMEs to access financial resources, whether through grants, loans or other financial instruments, with tailored assistance. The EESC also asks the Commission to put in place all of the necessary measures to incentivise SMEs to adopt a responsible conduct in accessing EU funding.
  • highlights that better use of already existing tools can contribute to avoiding red tape. A good example is to state in any legislative proposal the expected obligations deriving from the proposal, which, inter alia, helps provide a better understanding in terms of cumulative burden.


Additional information

Section: Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT)

Opinion number: INT/1048

Opinion type: Optional

Referral: COM(2023) 535 final

Rapporteur: Alena Mastantuono (Group I - Czech Republic)

Co-rapporteur: Angelo Pagliara (Group II - Italy)

Date of adoption by section: 29 January 2024

Result of the vote: 97 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions

Date of adoption in plenary: 14-15 February 2024

Result of the vote: 193 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions



Marco Pezzani

Press Officer

Tel.: +32 2 546 9793 | Mob: +32 470 881 903



Dalila Bernard


Tel.: +32 546 8438
