Organised civil society through the prism of the 2024 European elections: defending the open democratic debate


EESC, in cooperation with the Bulgarian Economic and Social Council and University of National and World Economy (UNWE)


Enlargement, elections.


The 9th May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historic 'Schuman declaration' that set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between Europe's nations unthinkable. In 2024 the symbol which express the European Day is more important than ever not only because of European Elections, but also it marks 20 years since big enlargement of Eastern European states, and Bulgaria and Romania’s pre-accession commitment to European Union.

This event involves young people in the discussion on the importance of active participation and personal engagement in setting the European political priorities. It offers an open platform to discuss important matters such as disinformation and its impact on the European elections, democratic freedoms such as the right to vote, and the need to actively defend them; mobilization of civil society and engagement of young people in the elections. Issue of particular relevance for Bulgarian society such as a full membership to Schengen area and Eurozone accession will also be tackled.

Work organisation